
ECEN-5593 (3) Advanced Computer Architecture

Provides a broad-scope treatment of important concepts in the design and implementation of high-performance computer systems. Discusses important issues in the pipelining of a processor, out-of-order instruction issue and superscalar designs, design of cache memory systems for such systems, and architectural features required for multicore processor designs. Also studies current and historically important computer architectures. Prereq., ECEN 4593 or instructor consent. Same as CSCI 5593. Prerequisites: Restricted to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5603 (3) Software Project Management

Presents topics and techniques critical to the management of software product development, including estimating, planning, quality, tracking, reporting, team organization, people management, and legal issues. Gives special attention to problems unique to software projects. Prereqs., ECEN 4583, 5543, and CSCI 4318, or equivalent industrial experience. Same as CSCI 5608 and EMEN 5031. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ECEN-5613 (3) Embedded System Design

Same as ECEN 4613. Prerequisites: Restricted to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5623 (3) Real-Time Embedded Systems

Same as ECEN 4623. Prerequisites: Restricted to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5633 (3) Hybrid Embedded Systems

Same as ECEN 4633. Prerequisites: Restricted to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5643 (3) SW Engineering of Concurrent Systems

Addresses engineering of applications requiring multiple software processes running concurrently, sharing data, and communicating as a system in a single environment. Topics include performance analysis of architecture design; analysis of requirements, design and testing of synchronization and communication; the interplay of system design and performance with the impact of memory management, input/output, and file system support. Prereq., ECEN 4583 or 5543. ECEN 4643 and 5643 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ECEN-5653 (3) Real-Time Digital Media

Learn how to design and build Linux-based real-time system applications for digital media encode/decode and transport. Course focus is on the process as well as fundamentals of designing, coding, and testing Linux-based real-time systems often used in industry for digital media systems. Students use POSIX kernel-mapped threads and drivers to implement real-time digital media solutions. Prereqs., ECEN 1030 or CSCI 1300, and CSCI 3753 or equivalent. Restricted to engineering students. ECEN 4653 and 5653 are the same course.

ECEN-5673 (3) Distributed Systems

Examines systems that span multiple autonomous computers. Topics include system structuring techniques, scalability, heterogeneity, fault tolerance, load sharing, distributed file and information systems, naming, directory services, resource discovery, resource and network management, security, privacy, ethics, and social issues. Recommended prereq., CSCI 5573 or a course in computer networks. Same as CSCI 5673.

ECEN-5743 (3) SW Engineering of Distributed Systems

Addresses engineering of networked applications and self-contained embedded system products involving multiple processors. The fundamental concepts of software engineering are complicated by an application running simultaneously and asynchronously on multiple processors over a network. Topics: specification, analysis, design, and testing of distributed components including concerns of security, synchronization, transaction coordination, data replication, web services, and service oriented architectures. Prereq., ECEN 4583 or 5543 or CSCI 5548. Recommended prereq., ECEN 5643. ECEN 4743 and 5743 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.
