
ATLS-3030 (3) Fundamentals of Digital Design

The fundamental goal of this course is to teach students how to use digital design tools effectively and compellingly. Through lectures, class discussions, projects and critiques, this course will cover the critical, theoretical, and technical skill sets necessary to become a more engaging, thoughtful, and articulate designer. Prereqs., ATLS 2000 and 3010. Restricted to students with minor in Technology, Arts & Media (MTAM). Prerequisites: Restricted to students with minor in Technology, Arts, and Media (MTAM).

NAVR-3030 (3) Naval Engineering Systems

Studies in detail ship propulsion and related auxiliary systems. Emphasizes fossil fuel and nuclear steam and gas turbine systems. Stresses design constraints imposed by unique marine environment.

NAVR-3040 (3) Weapons and Systems Analysis

Introduces theoretical concepts upon which modern naval weapons systems are designed and constructed. Specific areas of study include physics of underwater sound propagation, pulse radar theory, automatic tracking principles, and fundamentals of missile guidance.

MILR-3052 (3) Military Operations and Training 1

Further explores the theory of managing and leading small military units with an emphasis on practical applications at the squad and platoon levels. Students examine various leadership styles and techniques as they relate to advanced small unit tactics. Familiarizes students with a variety of topics such as cartography, land navigation, field craft, and weapons systems. Involves multiple, evaluated leadership opportunities in field settings and hands-on experience with actual military equipment. Students are given maximum leadership opportunities in weekly labs. Prereq., consent of the Professor of Military Science.

MILR-3062 (3) Military Operations and Training 2

Studies theoretical and practical applications of small unit leadership principles. Focuses on managing personnel and resources, the military decision making process, the operations order, and oral communications. Exposes the student to tactical unit leadership in a variety of environments with a focus on preparation for the summer advance camp experience. Prereq., consent of the Professor of Military Science.

NAVR-3101 (3) Evolution of Warfare

Traces the development of warfare, focusing on the impact of military theorists and technical developments. Assists students to acquire a sense of strategy, develop an understanding of military alternatives, and see the impact of historical precedent on military actions.

ATLS-3110 (3) Motion Design

An animation-based projects course that advances student understanding of motion design in today's culture. Through active production and critical analysis, students will create new media projects and critically examine the history, social implications, and impacts of these forms of mass media. Prereq., ATLS 2000. Recommended prereq., ATLS 3010.

ATLS-3112 (1-3) Digital and Social Systems Professional Development

Supports students in developing professional skills and practices in human computer interaction, design of interactive systems, computer supported cooperative work, computer supported collaborative learning, educational technology, tools that support creativity, user-developed knowledge collections, and gaming. May be repeated up to 10 total credit hours. Same as CSCI 3112.

ATLS-3120 (3) Net Presence

An Internet-based projects course that advances student understanding of Internet culture. Through active production and critical analysis, students will explore their individual roles in the digital landscape and critically examine the social implications and impacts of digital communities. Prereqs., ATLS 2000 and 3010. Recommended prereq., ATLS 3020.

ATLS-3500 (1-3) Client Projects in Technology, Arts and Media

Allows undergraduate students to work on collaborative projects with faculty and with external organizations under faculty supervision. The course will focus on teamwork, conceptual planning, technical design and development, and working within real-world client environments. Critical skills include project research, planning, design, development, trouble-shooting, and presentation. Prereqs., ATLS 2000, 3010, or instructor consent. Recommended prereq., ATLS 3020. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

ATLS-3519 (1-3) Special Topics in Technology, Arts, and Media

Analyzes special interest areas of multidisciplinary technology, arts and media research and practice. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours for different topics. Prereq., ATLS 2000. Recommended prereq., ATLS 3010. Same as ATLS 3519, 5519 and 6519.

PRLC-3810 (3) Global Issues in Leadership

Examines the challenges to leadership posed by major global issues. Problems in the areas of human rights, hunger, disease, large-scale collective violence, and environmental deterioration are explored with a special emphasis on the development of effective,long-term leadership strategies. Prereqs., PRLC 1810, PRLC 1820, and PRLC 2820.

AIRR-4010 (3) National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty

Two 1 1/2-hour seminars and one 2-hour lab per week. Studies U.S. national security policy which examines the formulation, organization, and implementation of national security policy; context of national security; evolution of strategy; management of conflict; and civil-military interaction. Also includes blocks of instruction on the military profession/officership, the military justice system, and communicative skills. Provides future Air Force officers with the background of U.S. national security policy so they can effectively function in today's Air Force.

ATLS-4010 (3) Capstone Projects

The focus of this advanced practicum course is the development of an individual thesis project. Specific class sessions will feature a combination of lectures, demonstrations, guest speakers, lab sessions, and critiques. This course also entails group work, portfolio development, critical theoretical readings, and a significant written component. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereqs., ATLS 2000, 3010, and 3020. Restricted to students with minor in Technolgy, Arts & Media (MTAM). Prerequisites: Restricted to students with minor in Technology, Arts, and Media (MTAM).

NAVR-4010 (3) Leadership and Management 1

Comprehensively studies organizational leadership. Emphasizes motivation, communication, empowerment, and needs of subordinates. Studies the role of professional and personal ethics in organizational leadership.

PRLC-4010 (4) 21st Century Leadership

An advanced course that focuses on critical analysis of leadership principles and techniques. Designed to provide theoretical and hands-on experience for individuals who wish to function in leadership roles at high levels of competence in the workplace and in the civic arena.

AIRR-4020 (3) National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society 2

Two 1 1/2-hour seminars and one 2-hour lab per week. a continuation of AIRR 4010. Includes defense strategy conflict management, formulation/implementation of U.S. defense policy, and organizational factors and case studies in policy making, military law, uniform code of military justice, and communication skills.

NAVR-4020 (3) Leadership and Ethics

Studies the ethics and laws of armed conflict, analyzing the leadership responsibilities of officers in conflict. Studies the military justice system and Naval legal administrative procedures, comparing military law with civilian criminal and civil law. Defines the responsibilities of junior officers within the military justice system.

NAVR-4030 (3) Navigation

Offers theory and practical application in the art of navigation: charts, publications, piloting, dead reckoning, navigation aids and instruments, time, sextant use, electronic fixing, global positioning system, and voyage planning.

MILR-4072 (3) Officer Leadership and Development 1

Examines management and leadership concepts and techniques associated with planning and executing military training and operations at company and higher echelons. Includes analyses of professional ethics and values, effective training principles and procedures, subordinate counseling, and effective staff officer briefing techniques. Also investigates other subjects such as counter terrorism, modern peacekeeping missions, and the impact of the information revolution on the art of land warfare. Conducted both in and out of classroom setting and with multiple practical leadership opportunities to organize cadet training and activities. Prereq.,consent of the Professor of Military Science.

PRLC-4081 (3) Icons of the American Republic

Examines the founding period of the United States through the events, political concepts and individuals depicted in the art exhibited in the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. The course includes a visit to the U.S. Capitol Building, the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, the floor of the U.S. Senate, and an exploration of the legislative process. Prereq., PSCI 1101 or 2012 or 2223 or 2004. Restricted to students with a minimum 3.4 GPA and 60 credit hours completed. PSCI 4081 and PRLC 4081 are the same course.

MILR-4082 (3) Officer Leadership and Development 2

Continues Milr 4072 study of management and leadership concepts and techniques, providing practical leadership experiences in the classroom and during multiple cadet-run activities. Also examines varied topics such as theory and practice of the military justice system, law of war, military-media relations, support mechanisms for soldiers and their families, operational security considerations, and historical case studies in military leadership in the context of 21st century land warfare. Prereq., consent of the Professor of Military Science.

NAVR-4101 (3) Amphibious Warfare

Surveys the development of amphibious doctrine. Emphasizes the evolution of amphibious warfare in the 20th century and beyond. Explores present-day potential and limitations on amphibious operations, including the rapid force deployment concept.

RSEI-4150 (3) Energy Policy Project

Provides students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge of energy technologies, systems, and policies to energy policy issues. Specific topical coverage varies by semester. Example topics include natural gas fracking, automotive fuel economy standards, and natural gas exports. Students work in teams to research, prepare, and present a detailed and specific energy project proposal. Prereq., ENVS 3621. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

ATLS-4519 (1-3) Advanced Special Topics in Technology, Arts, and Media

Analyzes special interest areas of multidisciplinary technology, arts and media research and practice. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent. Recommended prereqs., ATLS 2000, ATLS 3010, and ATLS 3020. Same as ATLS 3519, 5519 and 6519.
