
ASEN-5235 (3) Introduction to Atmospheric Radiative Transfer and Remote Sensing

Examines fundamentals of radiative transfer and remote sensing with primary emphasis on the Earth's atmosphere; emission, absorption and scattering by molecules and particles; multiple scattering; polarization; radiometry and photometry; principles of inversion theory; extinction- and emission-based passive remote sensing; principles of active remote sensing; lidar and radar; additional applications such as the greenhouse effect and Earth's radiative energy budget. Same as ATOC 5235. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5245 (3) Radar and Remote Sensing

Examines active techniques of remote sensing, with emphasis on radar fundamentals, radar wave propagation, scattering processes, and radar measurement techniques and design. Examines specific radar systems and applications, such as synthetic aperture radar phased arrays for atmosphere, space, land, and sea applications. Restricted to seniors or graduate students in engineering. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6210 (1-3) Remote Sensing Seminar

Covers subjects pertinent to remote sensing of the Earth, including oceanography, meteorology, vegetation monitoring, and geology. Emphasizes techniques for extracting geophysical information from satellite data. Course requirement for Remote Sensing Certificate. Restricted to graduate students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6220 (3) Topics in Remote Sensing

Covers infrared and microwave techniques for remote sensing, emphasizing oceanographic applications, fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation, remote sensing instrumentation (radars and radiometers), and conversion of sensory data to geophysical parameters, including sea surface topography, temperature, and atmospheric moisture. Prereq., graduate standing and instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6337 (3) Remote Sensing Data Analysis

Reviews satellite remote sensing instrumentation and methods. Student teamwork involves real satellite data for applications in oceanography, atmospheric science, and terrestrial physics. Students develop problem-solving skills and use the internet to gather satellite and in situ data to address chosen problems. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.