
ECEN-5673 (3) Distributed Systems

Examines systems that span multiple autonomous computers. Topics include system structuring techniques, scalability, heterogeneity, fault tolerance, load sharing, distributed file and information systems, naming, directory services, resource discovery, resource and network management, security, privacy, ethics, and social issues. Recommended prereq., CSCI 5573 or a course in computer networks. Same as CSCI 5673.

ECEN-5682 (3) Theory and Practice of Error Control Codes

Block and convolutional codes for reliable transmission of digital data over unreliable noisy channels. Algebraic and dsp characterizations of cyclic codes such as Bch/Rs codes. Decoding algorithms for block codes and the Viterbi algorithm. Graph codes and iterative decoding. Prereq., ECEN 3300.

ECEN-5692 (3) Principles of Digital Communication

Techniques for efficient and reliable transmission of information over bandwidth and power constrained communication channels; digital modulation methods, power spectral density calculations, optimum receiver principles, error rate analysis, channel coding potential in wired/wireless media, trellis coded modulation, and equalization. Prereqs., ECEN 3300 and 5612 or equivalents. Recommended prereqs., ECEN 5622 and 5632.

ECEN-5696 (3) Fourier Optics

Introduces a system level approach to the analysis and design of optical systems. Topics include holography, Fourier transform properties of lenses, two-dimensional convolution and correlation functions, spatial filtering, and optical computing techniques. Also covers coherent and incoherent imaging techniques, tomography, and synthetic aperture imaging. Prereqs., ECEN 3300 and 3410, or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restriced to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5743 (3) SW Engineering of Distributed Systems

Addresses engineering of networked applications and self-contained embedded system products involving multiple processors. The fundamental concepts of software engineering are complicated by an application running simultaneously and asynchronously on multiple processors over a network. Topics: specification, analysis, design, and testing of distributed components including concerns of security, synchronization, transaction coordination, data replication, web services, and service oriented architectures. Prereq., ECEN 4583 or 5543 or CSCI 5548. Recommended prereq., ECEN 5643. ECEN 4743 and 5743 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ECEN-5787 (3) Power Quality Phenomena Power Systems

Single-time and periodic disturbances of power systems and their causes and effects on sensitive (electronic) end-use devices and power system components are studied and modeled. Measurement techniques of the impact of such disturbances (power quality phenomena) on devices as well as prevention and mitigating techniques are addressed. Prereq., ECEN 3170.

ECEN-5797 (3) Introduction to Power Electronics

Same as ECEN 4797. Prerequisites: Restriced to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5807 (3) Modeling and Control of Power Electronic Systems

Studies modeling and control topics in power electronics. Averaged switch modeling of converters, computer simulation, ac modeling of the discontinuous conduction mode, the current programmed mode, nulldouble injection techniques in linear circuits, input filter design, and low-harmonic rectifiers. Prereq., ECEN 5797.

ECEN-5817 (3) Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics

Covers resonant coverters and inverters, and soft switching; sinusoidal approximations in analysis of series, parallel, Lcc, and other resonant dc-dc and dc-ac converters; state-plane analysis of resonant circuits; switching transitions in hand-switched and soft-switched Pwm converters; zero-voltage switching techniques, including resonant, quasi resonant, aero voltage transition, and auxiliary switch circuits. Prereq., ECEN 5797 or instructor consent required.

ECEN-5827 (3) Analog IC Design

Same as ECEN 4827. Prerequisites: Restriced to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5831 (3) Brains, Minds, and Computers

Same as ECEN 4831, and ASEN 4436/5436. Prerequisites: Restriced to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5837 (3) Mixed-Signal IC Design Lab

Software laboratory course extends the concepts developed in ECEN 4827 to full design and layout of mixed analog and digital custom integrated circuits. Assignments explore implementation of analog to digital and digital to analog converters, and final project developes a full custom IC for a target application. Prereq., ECEN 5827.

ECEN-5840 (1-6) Independent Study

Offers an opportunity for students to do independent, creative work at the master's level. Numbered ECEN 5840-5849. Prereq., advisor consent.

ECEN-6139 (3) Logic Synthesis of VLSI Systems

Studies synthesis and optimization of sequential circuits, including retiming transformations and don't care sequences. Gives attention to hardware description languages and their application to finite state systems. Also includes synthesis for testability and performance, algorithms for test generation, formal verification of sequential systems, and synthesis of asynchronous circuits. Prereqs., ECEN 5139 and CSCI 5454.

ECEN-6144 (3) Electromagnetic Boundary Problems

Provides mathematical and physical fundamentals necessary for the systematic analysis of electromagnetic fields problems. Covers basic properties of Maxwell's equations, potentials and jump conditions; scattering and diffraction by canonical structures; Green's functions, integral equations and approximate methods. Requires some maturity in electromagnetics. Prereq., ECEN 5114 or 5134 or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Electrical Engineering (EEEN) or Electrical/Computer Engineering (ECEN) or Electrical Engineering Concurrent or Electrical/Computer Engineering Concurrent Degree students only.

ECEN-7438 (3) Theory of Nonlinear Systems

Nonlinear systems and control. Introduction to nonlinear phenomena: multiple equilibria, limit cycles, bifurcations, complex dynamical behavior. Planar dynamical systems, analysis using phase plane techniques. Input-output analysis and stability. Passivity. Lyapunov stability theory. Feedback linearization. Exploration of examples and applications. Prereq., ECEN 5448.

ECEN-7840 (1-6) Independent Study

Offers an opportunity for students to do independent, creative work at the doctoral level. Numbered ECEN 7840-7849. Prereq., advisor consent.
