
GRMN-5320 (3) Seminar: The German Novel from 1901--1956

Beginning with T. Mann's Buddenbrooks, charts the rise of the German novel in the early 20th century and examines such topics as Wilhelminian society; intellectuals and World War I; dehumanization and alienation; national socialism and literary exile; and others. Authors include T. Mann, H. Hesse, R. Rilke, F. Kafka, A. Seghers, and A. Zweig. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

GRMN-5330 (3) Seminar: German Intellectuals and Society Between the Wars

Examines the period of social crisis and the intellectual responses to the collapse of the prewar order. Gives attention to the antidemocratic thought of Spengler, Juenger, Stefan George and his circle, to the emergence of existentialism with Scheler and Heidegger, and to the search for a new political humanism as evidenced by the work of Thomas Mann. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

GSLL-5352 (3) Russian Novel: Theory and Practice

Examines the Russian novel and its evolution as well as Western and Russian theories of the novel as they engage and reflect upon the claims of modernity. Taught in English. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as COML 5352.

GRMN-5410 (3) Seminar: Topics in Early 20th Century German Society

Focuses on major issues, events, movements, and figures prior to World War II. Topics may include the ontology of lyric poetry; Berlin in the 1920s; exiles, their communities, and their writings; women writers from Andreas-Salome to Anna Seghers; topics in German film; and others. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours when topic varies. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GRMN-5420 (3) Seminar: Topics in Later 20th Century German Society

Analyzes major currents and events such as the Holocaust, coming to terms with the past (Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung), German Democratic Republic (GDR) literature, and responses to the reunification. Topics may include the Austrians from Anschluss to Haider; Paul Celan; East German writers between Wolf Biermann and Christa Wolf; topics in German film; and others. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours when topic varies. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

GSLL-5421 (3) Gogol

Explores major fictional and dramatic texts of great Russian writer Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol (1809-52) -- "The strangest prose-poet Russia ever produced" (Nabokov). Works will be analyzed in the context of Western and Russian Romanticism. Relevant nonfiction texts will also be introduced when appropriate. Class will be run largely as group discussion, with necessary historical and critical background provided. Taught in English. Recommended prereq., RUSS 4811.

GSLL-5431 (3) Dostoevsky

Focuses on close reading of major novels and other works by Dostoevsky, one of the most important psychological novelists in modern literature, a profound religious thinker, and the greatest crime novelist in the world. Taught in English. Same as RUSS 4431.

GSLL-5441 (3) Tolstoy

Examines the development of Tolstoy's thought and literary style through study of the novel War and Peace and short works from different periods of Tolstoy's writing. Taught in English. Same as RUSS 4441.

GSLL-5451 (3) Chekhov

Analyzes the life and creative works of the author of some of the funniest and some of the gloomiest stories in Russian literature. Examines Chekhov's major plays that laid the foundation for modernist theatre. Taught in English. Same as RUSS 4451.

GSLL-5471 (3) Women in 20th Century Russian Culture

Acquaints students with major issues concerning women in 20th century Russian culture. Examines sources from folk culture, popular culture, and high culture (poetry, prose, songs, tales, visual art, and cinema) that mythologize or question women's images and societal roles. All texts and films are offered in English translation. Taught in English. Same as RUSS 4471 and WMST 4471.

GRMN-5504 (3) Goethe's Faust

Systematic study of the Faust motif in Western literature, with major emphasis on Faust I and II by Goethe and Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus. Taught in English. Same as GRMN 4504 and COML 5504. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GRMN-5510 (3) Seminar: Open Topics in German Civilization

Focuses on cultural issues that cross lines of literary periodization. Topics may include the theater as social criticism from Lessing to Handke; forms of German protest from Luther to Thomas Mann; nihilism from Bonaventura to Thomas Bernhard; topics in German film; and others. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours when topic varies. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

GRMN-5520 (3) Seminar: Current Issues in German Literature and Media

Examines issues pervading contemporary German literature and media, such as concerns of youth, xenophobia, stereotyping as it affects women and men in their relations, work experience, feminism, problems connected with the reunification, and other issues. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent.

GSLL-5851 (3) Critical Thinking: Russian Film and Society

Through structured discussions, selected readings, and written assignments, examines topics in Russian film from socio-historical and cultural studies perspectives. Identification and critical analysis of concepts and assumptions underlying differing cinematic approaches to controversial topics. Taught in English. Same as RUSS 4851.

GSLL-5861 (3) Absurd and Supernatural in Russian Literature

Studies themes of grotesque, bizarre, surreal, absurd, supernatural, and fantastic in Russian short stories and novels of the 19th and 20th centuries. Discusses works by Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Kharms, Bulgakov, Siniavskii, Petrushevskaia, and Pelevin, within contexts of Russian folklore, Freud and Jung's interpretations of jokes and dreams, and Romanticism. Recommended prereq., one upper division humanities course. Taught in English. Same as RUSS 4861.

GRMN-5900 (1-6) Independent Study

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GSLL-5900 (1-6) Independent Study

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

GRMN-6900 (1-6) Master's Thesis

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.
