
GEOG-3351 (3) Biogeography

Surveys and analyzes plant and animal distributions on a world scale from ecological and historical perspectives. Emphasizes human impact on species. Prereq., GEOG 1001.

CHEM-3361 (2) Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 1 for Chemistry Majors

Lab. Required course for chemistry majors. Instruction in experimental techniques of modern organic chemistry emphasizing chemical separations and reactions of alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, ketones, and alkyl halides. Explores stereochemical modeling and the identification of organic unknowns. Prereq., CHEM 1133/1134 (formerly 1131), 1271, or 1371 (min grade C-); coreq., CHEM 3351 or 3311. Credit not granted for this course and CHEM 3321. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of CHEM 1131 or CHEM 1133/1134 or CHEM 1271 or CHEM 1371 or CHEN 1211/CHEM 1221. Restricted to Chemistry and Biochemistry majors.

CHIN-3361 (3) Women and the Supernatural in Chinese Literature

Explores the relationship between the worlds of womenand the supernatural in Chinese literature, from ancient to modern times. Focuses on selected significant works of classical and vernacular fiction, religious texts, and poetry. Taught in English. Prereq., junior standing or instructor consent.

CHEM-3371 (4) Organic Chemistry 2 for Chemistry and Biochemistry Majors

Lect. and rec. Topics include structure and reactions of carboxylic acids and derivatives, aromatic compounds, and amines; introduction to the chemistry of heterocycles, carbohydrates, and amino acids; nomenclature of organic compounds; reaction mechanisms. Prereqs., CHEM 3351 or 3311 and CHEM 3361 or 3321 (min grade C-). Prereq. or coreq., CHEM 3381 or 3341. Credit not granted for this course and CHEM 3331. Prerequisites: Restricted to Chemistry and Biochemistry majors only.

CHIN-3371 (3) Topics in Chinese Film

Offers in-depth, critical analysis of key issues in Chinese culture as represented in Chinese film. Focuses on various topics, such as specific directors, regions, representation of gender in Chinese film,historical periods, etc. Varies from year to year. Requires no knowledge of Chinese. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours on different topics. Prereq., junior standing or instructor consent. Recommended prereq., CHIN 1051, 2441.

ENGL-3377 (3) Topics in Multicultural Literature

Studies special topics in multicultural literature; specially designed for English majors. Topics vary each semester. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours for different topics. Prereq., sophomore standing. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only.

CHEM-3381 (2) Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 2 for Chemistry Majors

Lab. Required course for chemistry majors. Instruction in experimental techniques of modern chemistry, emphasizing reactions involving alcohols, ketones, carboxylic acids, aromatic compounds, and their derivatives. Multistep syntheses are also introduced. Prereqs., CHEM 3321 or 3361 and CHEM 3341 (min grade C-). Prereq. or coreq., CHEM 3331 or 3371. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of CHEM 3311 or 3351, and CHEM 3321 or 3361 (minimum grade C- for all). Restricted to Chemistry and Biochemistry majors only.

EBIO-3400 (4) Microbiology

Lect. and lab. Surveys distinguishing characteristics of microorganisms based on structural-functional relationships, taxonomy, growth, and physical-chemical agents of control including antibiotics, metabolism, and genetics. Introduces applied microbiology emphasizing infectious diseases, basic concepts of immunology, and microbial ecology. Uses animals and/or animal tissues. Prereqs., EBIO 1210, 1220, 1230, and 1240, or EPOB 2050 and 2060.

FILM-3400 (3) Cinema Production I

Exploration of creative cinema production through short production and post-production projects. A short final project will be required. Focuses on the tactics and strategies of independent cinema production, examining a variety of approaches to genre. Explores a range of film and digital technologies. Restricted to Film (FILM or FMST) majors only. Prereqs., FILM 1502, 2000 or 2300, and 2500. Coreqs., FILM 3515 and 3525. Prerequisites: Restricted to Film (FILM or FMST) majors only.

RLST-3400 (3) Japanese Religions

Studies the literature, beliefs, practices, and institutions of Shinto, Buddhism, and Confucianism within the development of Japanese culture.

WMST-3400 (3) Gender, Personality, and Culture

Explores the relationship among gender, culture, and personality. Brings together the disciplines of psychology and sociology in the study of gender and personality formation through investigation of psychoanalytic theory and the social environment. Prereqs., WMST 2000 or 2700, and junior or senior standing.

GSLL-3401 (3) The Heart of Europe: Filmmakers and Writers in 20th Century Central Europe

Surveys the major works of 20th century central and central east European film and literature. Examines cultural production in the non-imperial countries and non-national languages of the region including Yiddish, Belarusian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Romanian, among others. Traces the rise of nationalism over the course of the century from the age of empires through the "Cold War." Taught in English. Same as JWST 3401.

JWST-3401 (3) The Heart of Europe: Filmmakers and Writers in 20th Century Central Europe

Surveys the major works of 20th century central and central east European film and literature. Examines cultural production in the non-imperial countries and non-national languages of the region including Yiddish, Belarusian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Romanian, among others. Traces the rise of nationalism over the course of the century from the age of empires through the "Cold War." Same as GSLL 3401.

SOCY-3401 (3) Field Methods

Skill development prepares students to conduct qualitative sociological research. Emphasizes ethnographic techniques, including intensive interviewing, direct observation, coding, participant observation, and report writing. Students conceive and execute a field research project with data collection, analysis, and a report. Prereqs., SOCY 1001 and SOCY 3001 or 3011. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Sociology (SOCY) majors only.

FILM-3402 (3) European Film and Culture

Studies the relationships between European film, art, and culture. Offered each summer in a different European city (viz, Rome, Paris, London, Athens, Barcelona). There will be regular in-class lectures, film screenings, field trips, and on-site teaching. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours. Recommended prereq., introductory film and art history courses. Approved for arts and sciences CORE curriculum: literature and the arts.

GEOG-3402 (3) Natural Hazards

Explores the impacts of extreme geophysical events on human society. Emphasizes adaptations to extreme events and ways of reducing vulnerability and damage.

INVS-3402 (3) Implementing Social and Environmental Change

Examines grassroots democracy as a means for creating comprehensive, solution-based strategies to address social and environmental problems. Students develop an understanding of the use of democracy for positive social change, identify how changes are initiated within movements, and learn the theory and practice of effective and responsible change efforts.

ARTS-3403 (3) Intaglio and Relief 1

Introduces the study and experimentation of intaglio and relief processes in black and white, color, and possible photo imagery. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Taught with ARTS 4403/5403. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) Studio Arts (AASA or AASF) or Art History (AAAH) majors only.

ECON-3403 (3) International Economics and Policy

Examines national and supranational policies that affect the international economy, with attention to trade barriers, economic nationalism and regionalism, international political economy, exchange market intervention, and international transmission of economic perturbations. Prereqs., ECON 1000, or ECON 2010 and 2020. Restricted to nonmajors. This course may not be taken after either ECON 4413 or ECON 4423. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: contemporary societies. Prerequisites: Economic (ECON) majors are restricted from taking this course.

ETHN-3403 (3) Indigenous Rights and Red Power Movement

Deals with historical events involving conflicts between the U.S. government and American Indians. Examples include the role of the FBI in the Pine Ridge Sioux Reservation (1972--76) or the 1864 massacre of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians in Colorado territory. Additional courses may relate to tribal governments. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours on different topics. Prereq., ETHN 2001, 2003, 2013. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Formerly AIST 3400.

COMM-3410 (3) Intercultural Communication

Explores complex relationships between culture and communication processes from various conceptual perspectives, such as social, psychological, interpretive, and critical. Considers the important role of context (e.g., social, historical, and cultural) in intercultural interactions. Recommended prereqs., COMM 1210 and 1600. Restricted to Juniors or Seniors only. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).

GEOL-3410 (3) Paleobiology

Surveys morphology, ecology, and evolution of ancient animal and plant life and their interactions on Earth. Fossils used to solve geological and biological problems. Prereqs., any 1000-level sequence in geological science or environmental, population, and organismic biology or instructor consent.

IPHY-3410 (3) Introduction to Human Anatomy

Introduces the basic of human anatomy. Prereqs., MCDB 1150, 1151, 2150 and 2151, or EBIO 1210, 1220, 1230 and 1240.

PHIL-3410 (3) History of Science: Ancients to Newton

Surveys the history of science up to Newton, including the emergence of scientific modes of thinking from religious and philosophical roots in the Near East and Greece to the development of these modes in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Culminates with Isaac Newton and the 17th century scientific revolution. Prereq., 6 hours of philosophy course work. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: historical context or natural science. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only.

GEOG-3412 (3) Conservation Practice and Resource Management

Studies inventory, policy, and management of natural resources. Emphasizes practical approaches to the conservation and management of soil, land, water, and air resources. Restricted to geography and environmental studies majors.
