
ASEN-6519 (1-3) Special Topics

Reflects upon specialized aspects of aerospace engineering sciences. Course content is indicated in the online Schedule Planner. Prereq., varies. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CVEN-6525 (3) Nonlinear Analysis of Framed Structures

Motivated by Performance Based Engineering, this course provides students with the proper theoretical underpinnings of nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of framed structures along with, exposure to the corresponding programming techniques in Matlab. First part covers traditional topics related to plasticity; second part focuses on the finite element formulation ( with emphasis on flexibility based ones) for geometric and Material nonlinearities; nonlinear pushover and transient analysis of frame structures. Prereq., CVEN 4525/5525 or equivalent; proficiency in Matlab.

CVEN-6595 (3) Earthquake Engineering

Analyzes and designs structures for earthquake loadings. Gives attention to earthquake ground motions, attenuation laws, and seismic hazard analysis. Also involves numerical methods for time-domain and frequency-domain analysis, response of linear and nonlinear structures, elastic and inelastic response spectra, construction of design spectra, soil-structure interaction analysis, and seismic design methods and building code requirements. Prereq., CVEN 5111 or equivalent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CSCI-6622 (3) Advanced Machine Learning

Covers advanced theoretical and practical topics in machine learning and latest developments in the field. Students conduct original research, either applied or theoretical, and present their results. Prereq., CSCI 5622 or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CSCI-6676 (3) Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Optimization

Looks at modern computational methods for solution of unconstrained optimization problems, nonlinear leastsquares, and systems of nonlinear equations. Techniques for building algorithms to solve problems with special structure. Prereq., CSCI 5606. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CSCI-6686 (3) Numerical Methods for Constrained Optimization

Covers computational methods for constrained optimization. Topics include basic theory, methods for quadratic programming, active set strategies for linear constraints, and penalty and successive quadratic programming methods for nonlinearly constrained problems. Prereq., CSCI 5606. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CSCI-6800 (1-6) Master of Engineering Project

Students seeking the master of engineering degree must complete a creative investigation project, including a written report, supervised by a member of the graduate faculty. Prereq., completion of 21 hours towards the ME degree. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate student Computer Sciences students only.

EMEN-6805 (1) Capstone Preparation

Students determine capstone research question, conduct literature review, develop research methodology and project plan, write a proposal, and select capstone committee. Restricted to students who have completed 21 credit hours toward the EMEN degree. Prereq., either EMEN 5900 if choosing an applications-oriented capstone or EMEN 5825 if choosing a business plan capstone, and selection of a capstone advisor. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.

EMEN-6810 (2) Capstone Completion

Continues EMEN 6805 as the second half of a two-course sequence for the engineering management capstone project. Students conduct agreed-upon research, research and analyze results, develop recommendations, write a final report, and present the project to the committee for evaluation. Prereq., EMEN 6805. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.

CHEN-6820 (3) Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals

Covers design and operation of fermentation processes, microbial and enzyme kinetics, multiple substrate and multiple species of fermentation, regulation of enzyme activity, energetics of cellular growth, immobilized enzyme and cell reactors, and transport phenomenain microbial systems and downstream processing. Prereq., graduate standing in CHEM, CHEN, or MCDB, or instructor consent.

EMEN-6830 (3) Project Management Capstone

Evaluate project management practices in the student's work unit, company, or in another organization. Identify strengths and weaknesses of the major product management processes as outlined in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). Opportunities for improvement and methods for implementation are expected. Prereqs., EMEN 5030 and 5032 and acceptance into the Project Management Certification option. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.

MCEN-6848 (1-6) Independent Study

Available only through approval of graduate advisor. Subjects arranged to fit the needs of the particular student. Numbered MCEN 6848-6898. Prereq., graduate standing.

MCEN-6898 (1-6) Independent Study

Available only through approval of graduate advisor. Subjects arranged to fit the needs of the particular student. Numbered MCEN 6848-6898. Prereq., graduate standing.

CSCI-6940 (1) Master's Degree Candidacy

For students who need to be registered for the purpose of taking the master's comprehensive exam and who are not otherwise registered. Credit does not count toward degree requirements. Graded on a pass/fail basis. Prerequisites: Restricted to Computer Science (CSEN) graduate students only or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

TLEN-6940 (1) Candidate for Degree

Prerequisites: Restricted to Leeds School of Business or College of Engineering graduate students only.

CSCI-6950 (1-6) Master's Thesis

Prerequisites: Restricted to Computer Science (CSEN) graduate students only or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.
