
ECEN-4652 (3) Communication Laboratory

Involves laboratory experiments demonstrating material taught in ECEN 4242. Uses spectrum analysis to study baseband signals and signal processors. Topics include noise, AM, FM, PM, sampling, quantizing/encoding, TDM, FDM, equalizers, and a complete communication system. Prereq. or coreq., ECEN 4242. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) College of Engineering majors only.

ECEN-4653 (3) Real-Time Digital Media

Learn how to design and build Linux-based real-time system applications for digital media encode/decode and transport. Course focus is on the process as well as fundamentals of designing, coding, and testing Linux-based real-time systems often used in industry for digital media systems. Students use POSIX kernel-mapped threads and drivers to implement real-time digital media solutions. Prereqs., ECEN 1030 or CSCI 1300, and CSCI 3753 or equivalent. Restricted to engineering students. ECEN 4653 and 5653 are the same course.

ECEN-4743 (3) SW Engineering of Distributed Systems

Addresses engineering of networked applications and self-contained embedded system products involving multiple processors. The fundamental concepts of software engineering are complicated by an application running simultaneously and asynchronously on multiple processors over a network. Topics: specification, analysis, design, and testing of distributed components including concerns of security, synchronization, transaction coordination, data replication, web services, and service oriented architectures. Prereq., ECEN 4583 or 5543 or CSCI 5548. Recommended prereq., ECEN 5643. ECEN 4743 and 5743 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior).

ECEN-4753 (3) Computer Performance Modeling

Presents a broad range of system modeling techniques,emphasizing applications to computer systems. Covers stochastic processes, queuing network models, stochastic Petri nets, and simulation (including parallel processing techniques). Prereq., CSCI 3753 or equivalent and second-semester calculus. Recommended prereq., a course in statistics. Same as CSCI 4753, 5753, and ECEN 5753.

ECEN-4797 (3) Introduction to Power Electronics

An introduction to switched-mode converters. Includes steady-state converter modeling and analysis, switch realization, discontinuous conduction mode, and transformer-isolated converters. Ac modeling of converters using averaged methods, small-signal transfer functions, feedback loop design, and transformer design. Prereq., ECEN 3250. Same as ECEN 5797. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) College of Engineering students only.

ECEN-4811 (3) Neural Signals and Functional Brain Imaging

Explores bioelectric and metabolic signals generated by the nervous system from two standpoints: 1) their biophysical genesis and role in neural integration and 2) neurotechnologies such as electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, deep brain stimulation, and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Prereqs., ECEN 2260 or 3030, ASEN 3300, or instructor consent. Same as ECEN 5811 and ASEN 4216.

ECEN-4821 (3) Neural Systems and Physiological Control

A biophysical exploration of human physiology from the standpoints of control systems and neural information processing. Topics include: neural control of movement and cardiovascular performance, tissue growth and repair, carcinogenesis, and physiological responses to microgravity. Prereqs., ECEN 2260 or 3030, ASEN 3300, or instructor consent. Same as ECEN 5821 and ASEN 4426/5426.

ECEN-4827 (3) Analog IC Design

Covers the fundamentals of transistor-level analog integrated circuit design. Starting with motivations from application circuits, the course developes principles of dc biasing, device models, amplifier stages, frequency response analysis and feedback and compensation techniques for multi-stage operational amplifiers. Prereq., ECEN 3250. Same as ECEN 5827. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

ECEN-4831 (3) Brains, Minds, and Computers

Provides background for the design of artificially intelligent systems based upon our present knowledgeof the human brain. Includes similarities and differences between the brain and computers, robots, and common computer models of brain and mind. Emphasizes the neuron as an information processor, and organization of natural as well as synthetic neural networks. Prereq., ECEN 2260 or 3030, or instructor consent. Same as ECEN 5831, ASEN 4436/5436.

ECEN-4840 (1-6) Independent Study

Offers an opportunity for seniors to do independent, creative work. Numbered ECEN 4840-4849. Prereq., instructor consent.

ECEN-5021 (1-4) Special Topics

Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Electrical Engineering (EEEN) or Electrical/Computer Engineering (ECEN) or Electrical Engineering Concurrent or Electrical/Computer Engineering Concurrent Degree students only.

ECEN-5104 (3) Computer-Aided Microwave Circuit Design

Emphasizes the design of strip-line and microstrip circuits, using a CAD package. Discusses design of impedance transformers, amplifiers, switches, phase-shifters, etc. Assignments include design of typical circuits and their analysis using a microwave circuit analysis program. Laboratory includes measurements using a network analyzer facility on a typical circuit designed and fabricated by students. Prereq., ECEN 3410. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Electrical Engineering (EEEN) or Electrical/Computer Engineering (ECEN) or Electrical Engineering Concurrent or Electrical/Computer Engineering Concurrent Degree students only.

ECEN-5114 (3) Waveguides and Transmission Lines

Intermediate course dealing with guided-wave systems at HF, microwave, and optical frequencies. Modern waveguiding structures, including circular metallic waveguides, microstrip transmission lines, and optical waveguides are treated. Additional material may include waveguide losses, excitation of waveguides, microwave network theory, coupled-mode theory, resonators, and pulse propagation in waveguides. Prereq., ECEN 3410.
