
CHEN-5360 (3) Catalysis and Kinetics

Studies principles of chemical kinetics and catalytic reactions, emphasizing heterogeneous catalysis. Coreq., CHEN 4330, or prereq., CHEM 4551 and instructor consent, or graduate standing in CHEM or CHEN.

CVEN-5363 (3) Modeling of Hydrologic Systems

Introduces students to the techniques used in modeling various processes in the hydrologic cycle. Helps students develop numeric models and computer programs for use in conjunction with existing simulation modes such as HEC1 and HEC2 in a design project. Prereqs., CVEN 3313 and instructor consent.

ECEN-5365 (3) Semiconductor Materials and Devices 1

Includes an introduction to time-independent quantum mechanics and perturbation theory, tunneling, application to quantum-well electronic and optical devices, electrons in a crystalline solid, Bloch's theorem, energy bands and energy gaps, the effective mass approximation, a survey of energy bands forreal crystals: Si, Ge, Gaas, Inp, Algaas, etc., band structure engineering, and the electrical and optical properties of compound semiconductors. Prereq., ECEN 3320 and 5345.

CHEN-5370 (3) Intermediate Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Reviews fundamentals of thermodynamics, application to pure fluids and mixtures, and physical equilibrium and changes of state. Examines the equation of state and computation of fluid properties for pure fluids, mixtures, and solutions. Also looks at relations between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Prereq., undergraduate thermodynamics (CHEN 3320 or equivalent). Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

TLEN-5370 (3) IP Routing Protocols

Breaks IP routing technologies into two fundamental pieces: an in-depth study of interior and then exterior gateway protocols. Prereq., TLEN 5330. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior) or gaduate students in the College of Engineering or Leeds School of Business only.

CVEN-5373 (3) Water Law, Policy, and Institutions

Discusses contemporary issues in water management based on legal doctrine. Identifies legal issues in water resources problems and discusses in close relationship with technical, economic, and political considerations. Prereq., senior or graduate standing.

CVEN-5383 (3) Applied Groundwater Modeling

Studies mathematical and numerical techniques needed to develop models to solve problems in water flow and chemical transport in the saturated and unsaturated zones of aquifers. Not only emphasizes the learning of modeling techniques from fundamentals, but also the application of models and modeling methods to solve problems in groundwater engineering, geo-environmental engineering, hazardous waste management, aquifer remediation design, and aquifer clean-up. Prereqs., CVEN 5353, 5454, or equivalent, and APPM 2360 or equivalent. Same as CVEN 4383.

CHEN-5390 (3) Chemical Reactor Engineering

Studies ideal and nonideal chemical reactors, including unsteady state behavior, mixing effects, reactor stability, residence time distribution, and diffusion effects. Prereq., undergraduate course in chemical reactor design/kinetics.

TLEN-5390 (3) Applied Java Programming

Provides a comprehensive overview of basic programming concepts, the Java programming language using an object-oriented approach, and the software development life cycle for students with little to no previous programming experience. Prerequisites: Restricted to Leeds School of Business or College of Engineering graduate students only.

CVEN-5393 (3) Water Resources Development and Management

Explores the principles governing water resources planning and development. Emphasizes the sciences of water (physical, engineering, chemical, biological,and social) and their interrelationships. Prereq.,senior or graduate standing. Same as ECON 6555.

EMEN-5400 (3) Product Development

Provides state-of-the-art techniques for improving the identification and creation of new products, services, and brands that provide an exceptional customer experience. Both proven and emerging management techniques in new product management are covered. Non-EMP students require instructor permission. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.

CVEN-5404 (3) Water Chemistry

Introduces chemical fundamentals governing the chemistry of natural and treated waters in lecture and laboratory. Lecture topics include thermodynamics and kinetics of acids and base reactions, carbonate chemistry, air-water exchange, precipitation, dissolution, complexation, oxidation-reduction, and sorption. Laboratory experiments emphasize lecture concepts with measurements on local waters. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

EMEN-5405 (3) Systems Engineering: Requirements

Provides students with an understanding of how to prepare a program for effective and timely specification development and analytical methods for specification development. Management aspects covered include traceability, margins and budgets, requirements validation, specification publishing, and use of database systems. Non-EMP students require instructor permission. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.

EMEN-5410 (3) Systems Engineering: Synthesis

Provides methods for transforming a set of requirements in a series of specifications into a physical reality through product design, material procurement, and manufacturing transforms. The solution is developed through integration and optimization. This is the second course in a three course systems engineering sequence. Non-EMP students require instructor permission. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.

TLEN-5410 (3) Network Management and Operations

Offers students a hands-on experience programatically managing network hardware and essential network services such as DHCP, DNS, ARP, FTP, Telnet, HTTP, SSH, SMTP, TFTP, and SNMP through the use of cross-platform scripting. Students with little or no programming experience will learn scripting by replicating functionality provided in common management suites such as HP OpenView, Nagios, Zennos, IBM Netview and others. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CSCI-5412 (3) Design, Creativity, and New Media

Same as CSCI 4412. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

CVEN-5414 (3) Water Chemistry Laboratory

Uses experimental and analytical laboratory techniques to develop a better understanding of the concepts of aquatic chemistry and to investigate water chemistry in treated and natural water systems. Techniques include titration, spectrophotometry, gas chromatography, other advanced instrumentation, sampling, portable analyses, and basic statistics and experimental design. Course focuses on water chemistry of Boulder Creek and other local waters. Prereq., CVEN 5404 or GEOL 5280. Coreq., CVEN 5424.

EMEN-5415 (3) Systems Engineering: Verification

Provides students with methods to plan and implement effective product verification process on a program involving development of complicated products. Applies a process perfected on military programs, but the process is generic and can be applied effectively to commercial products. A worst case product and program complexity are considered permitting tailoring of the process for less complex cases. Non-EMP students require instructor permission. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.

ASEN-5417 (3) Numerical Methods for Differential Equations

Provides computational skills and basic knowledge of numerical methods for advanced courses in engineering/scientific computation using Fortran, C, or Matlab. Prereq., APPM 2360 and instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CSCI-5417 (3) Information Retrieval Systems

Addresses practical issues in the design, implementation and analysis of modern information retrieval systems. The major focus is on Web-based applications including ad hoc retrieval, classification, and clustering. Introduces the use of open source retrieval systems, standard evaluation metrics and gold-standard evaluation collections. Formerly CSCI 7000. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5418 (3) Automatic Control Systems 1

Coverage of principles of control systems with Multiple Inputs and Multiple Outputs (MIMO). Topics include Mimo state-space theory, applications of the singular value decomposition (SVD), coprime factorization methods, frequency domain topics, and an introduction to H-infinity design. Prereqs., ECEN 3300, 4138, and 5448, or equivalents.

CHEN-5420 (3) Physical Chemistry and Fluid Mechanics of Interfaces

Covers thermodynamics of interfaces and surface tension measurement; adsorption at liquid-gas, liquid-liquid, and solid-gas interfaces; monolayers; conservation equations for a fluid interface; rheology of interfaces; surface tension driven flows; contact angle and wettability; and double layer phenomena. Prereq., CHEN 3200 or equivalent.
