
MCEN-5125 (3) Optimal Design of Mechanical Components

Applies linear and nonlinear optimization methods to the design of mechanical components and systems. Examines unconstrained and constrained optimizationas well as formulation of objective functions, including cost, weight, response time, and deflection. Applies knowledge to gears, springs, cams, and linkages. Prereqs., MCEN 3025 and 3030 or equivalent. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

MCEN-5126 (3) Applied Statistics for the Manufacturing and Process Industries

Discusses the concepts and techniques of applied statistics essential to quality control and product/process improvement. Includes computer control (SQC/SPC), sampling methods and time series analysis, and methods of experimental design. Prereq., MCEN 4120. Same as CHEN 5127 and CVEN 5127. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

CHEN-5127 (3) Applied Statistics for the Manufacturing and Process Industries

Discusses the concepts and techniques of applied statistics essential to quality control and product/process improvement. Includes computer control (SQC/SPC), sampling methods and time series analysis, and methods of experimental design. Prereq., MCEN 4120. Same as CVEN 5127 and MCEN 5126.

CHEN-5128 (3) Applied Statistics In Research and Development

Students learn current and emerging statistical methods that are appropriate to experimentation in research and development activities. Statistical design of experiments and model fitting is emphasized. Prereq., one introductory probability/statistics course. Same as MCEN 5146.

TLEN-5130 (3) Telecommunications Business Strategy

Covers concepts, strategies, and practical implementation of market oriented business strategy in the telecom industry grounded with real world examples. Topics include positioning, segmentation/ targeting, technology adoption, advertising/outreach, communication strategies, product management, sales process and business intelligence. Prereq., TLEN 5010. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CVEN-5131 (3) Continuum Mechanics and Elasticity

Provides foundation for advanced study of structural and material behavior and continuum theories in mechanics. Topics include Cartesian tensors, elements of continuum mechanics, constitutive laws for elastic solids, energy principles, methods of potentials,formulations of 2D and 3D elastostatic problems,and general analytical and numerical solutions.

MCEN-5131 (3) Air Pollution Control Engineering

Same as MCEN 4131. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

ECEN-5134 (3) Electromagnetic Radiation and Antennas

Covers elementary sources and antennas, cylindrical wire antennas, loop antennas, radiation patterns and antenna gain, aperture sources such as horns and dishes, specialized antennas such as microstrip patches, linear and circular arrays, mutual coupling and ground effects, ray and numerical formulations, transmission formulas, and antenna applications. Prereq., ECEN 3410. Prerequisites: Restriced to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

MCEN-5135 (3) Wind Energy and Wind Turbine Design

Provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn about a current technology, wind energy, that is of high interest both technically and commercially. Students can then apply various technical courses they have had (e.g. fluid dynamics, dynamics and electric circuits, economics, etc.) to design a wind turbine and determine through economic analysis if their design is financially viable. Prereqs. for MCEN 4135 are two of MCEN 3021, 4043 or 3010 (min. grade C-) or equivalent. MCEN 5135 is restricted to MCEN, ASEN, or CVEN grad students only. MCEN 4135 and 5135 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering or Aerospace Engineering graduate students only.

ECEN-5138 (3) Control Systems Analysis

Topics covered in ECEN 4138 will be investigated in more depth, require external readings, additional homework will be assigned and the exams will be more difficult. Restricted to graduate students in Electrical Engineering (EEEN) or Electrical/Computer Engineering (ECEN) or Electrical Engineering Concurrent or Electrical/Computer Engineering Concurrent Degree students only. Prereq., ECEN 3300 or equivalent. Same as ECEN 4138. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Electrical Engineering (EEEN) or Electrical/Computer Engineering (ECEN) or Electrical Engineering Concurrent or Electrical/Computer Engineering Concurrent Degree students only.

ECEN-5139 (3) Formal Verification of VLSI Systems

Covers two-level and multilevel minimization, optimization via expert systems, algebraic and Boolean decomposition, layout methodologies, state assignment, encoding and minimization, silicon compilation. Prereqs., ECEN 2703 and general proficiency in discrete mathematics and programming.

TLEN-5140 (3) IT and Business Strategy

Although some companies are very successful in discovering and cultivating innovative technology-enabled business strategies, many fail in the process. Combines theories and frameworks with practical approaches to provide students with the skills required to help companies identify business opportunities, find appropriate information related technologies, and lead adoption efforts to success. Prereq., TLEN 5010. Same as OPIM 4040/5040 and MGMT 4090.

MCEN-5141 (3) Indoor Air Pollution

Same as MCEN 4141. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

MCEN-5142 (3) Computational Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer, and Combustion

Finite difference, finite volume, finite element, and spectral methods, consistency, stability and convergence of numerical schemes, governing equations for reacting flows, convection, diffusion, convection-diffusion problems, matrix solution methods-cyclic reduction, Fourier, Jacobin, Gauss Siedel, Sor, Adi, Chebschev acceleration, Lax-Wendroff scheme, Mccormack scheme, transonic small disturbance equation solution, staggered grids, simple scheme, discrete Fourier transform. Students work on two substantial projects using commercial software. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

MCEN-5146 (3) Applied Statistics in Research and Development

Same as CHEN 5128. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

CVEN-5147 (3) Civil Engineering Systems

Same as CVEN 4147. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ASEN-5148 (3) Spacecraft Design

Same as ASEN 4148. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

TLEN-5150 (1) Managing Effectively in a Changing Telecommunications Environment

Provides students with an opportunity to join international managers and policy makers from around the world in an intensive seminar focused on the challenges of managing in a telecommunications environment in an era of technological change. Guest lecturers provide an effective overview of the cutting-edge issues managers face in telecom and technology companies around the world. TLEN 5150 and ATLS 5150 are the same course.

ASEN-5151 (3) High Speed Aerodynamics

Provides aerodynamic theory applicable to the high speed flight of subsonic, transonic, and supersonic aircraft, and hypersonic vehicles. Topics include linear theory of subsonic and supersonic speeds, the nonlinear theories of transonic and hypersonic speeds, and compressible boundary layers. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

MCEN-5151 (3) Flow Visualization

Explores techniques for the visualization of the physics of fluid flows including seeding with dyes, particles and bubbles, and shadowgraphy and schlieren. Reviews optics and fluid physics, especially atmospheric clouds. Assignments are student-driven, to individuals and mixed teams of grad, undergrad, engineering majors and photography/video majors. Please see Prereq., MCEN 3021 or equivalent, or significant imaging experience (photography/video). FILM 4200 and ARTF 5200 are the same course. Same as MCEN 4151/5151.

MCEN-5152 (3) Introduction to Combustion

Same as MCEN 4152. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

ECEN-5154 (3) Computational Electromagnetics

Provides a computational study of microwave circuits and antennas, using finite-difference, finite-element, and moment methods. Requires students to develop algorithms, write and execute programs, and prepare reports analyzing results. Circuits include waveguides, microstrip lines, and center-fed dipole antennas. Prereq., ECEN 3410.

ECEN-5156 (3) Physical Optics

Covers the application of Maxwell's equations to optical wave propagation in free space and in media.Topics include polarization, dispersion, geometrical optics, interference, partial coherence, and diffraction. Prereq. ECEN 3410.

ASEN-5158 (3) Space Habitat Design

Utilizes systems engineering methods for designing a spacecraft intended for human occupancy and provides a working knowledge of the technologies used to sustain life. Emphasis is placed on deriving functional requirements from stated mission objectives, developing integrated vehicle schematics, and comparing design options by trade study. Prereq., graduate standing in engineering or senior with 3.25 GPA. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

TLEN-5160 (3) Information Technologies and Communications

Provides a perspective of the basic and relevant issues of the communications and information technologies (CIT) industry, while gaining a wide picture overview of its main problems and trends. Students learn the technical, economic, management, and regulatory perspectives of CIT. The fundamental concepts and terminology associated with the communications industry is included in the course content. Recommended prereq., TLEN 5010.
