
ASEN-5063 (3) Gas Turbine Propulsion

Designed to teach the theory, analysis and design of modern gas turbine engines used for aircraft propulsion. Will deal with cycle and performance analyses, and analysis and design of compressors, turbines, intakes, nozzles and combustors as well as component matching. Prereq., ASEN 4013 or equivalent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

MCEN-5066 (3) Principles and Practices of World Class Manufacturing

Introduces manufacturing principles and practices that are essential to competing successfully in a global environment. Topics include manufacturing as a competitive tool, total quality management, process control, benchmarking, total productive maintenance, just in time, design of experiments, flexible manufacturing, and case studies.

ASEN-5070 (3) Introduction to Statistical Orbit Determination 1

Develops the theory of batch and sequential (Kalman) filtering, including a review of necessary concepts of probability and statistics. Course work includes a term project that allows students to apply classroom theory to an actual satellite orbit determination problem. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CVEN-5070 (3) Thermal Analysis of Building

Examines response factors, conduction transfer functions, and weighting factors for dynamic analysis of building envelopes. Also studies radiative and convective exchange in buildings, internal gains, and infiltration analysis as modeled in hourly simulations. Prereq., AREN 3010 or equivalent.

CVEN-5080 (3) Computer Simulation of Building Energy Systems

Introduces major simulation programs for analysis of building energy loads and system performance. Focuses on one hourly simulation program to develop capability for analysis of multizone structure. Prereq., AREN 4110 or CVEN 5110. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

EMEN-5080 (3) Ethical Decision-Making in Engineering Management

Provide students with the ability to recognize ethical issues and dilemmas affecting managers in the workplace; understand various models and practices offering solutions to these issues; and understandhow to create a culture of ethics and integrity in supporting and/or building a profitable, healthy, and responsible organization. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Seniors) or graduate students only.

ASEN-5090 (3) Introduction to Global Navigation Satellite Systems

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are important tools for navigation, science, and engineering. Introduces GNSS hardware, signal structure, algorithms, error sources, and modeling techniques. Programming experience is required. Restricted to Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering-Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) students. Prerequisites: Restricted to Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering-Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) students.

CHEN-5090 (1) Seminar in Chemical Engineering

Required of all chemical engineering graduate students. Includes reports on research activities and on special current topics. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

EMEN-5090 (3) Technology Ventures and Marketing

Acquiring marketing know-how is essential for engineers interested in technology and product development. Students learn the basic tenets of marketing with emphasis on developing a technology innovation into a commercially successful product. Special attention given to customer development as a key aspect of product development. Course designed to be of interest to engineers in existing companies and startups. Highlighted will be in-depth discussions of real-world case studies and providing the student with marketing strategies for the high tech environment. Non-EMP students require instructor permission. Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.

ECEN-5104 (3) Computer-Aided Microwave Circuit Design

Emphasizes the design of strip-line and microstrip circuits, using a CAD package. Discusses design of impedance transformers, amplifiers, switches, phase-shifters, etc. Assignments include design of typical circuits and their analysis using a microwave circuit analysis program. Laboratory includes measurements using a network analyzer facility on a typical circuit designed and fabricated by students. Prereq., ECEN 3410. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Electrical Engineering (EEEN) or Electrical/Computer Engineering (ECEN) or Electrical Engineering Concurrent or Electrical/Computer Engineering Concurrent Degree students only.

TLEN-5106 (3) International Telecommunications

Examines the theoretical and practical identification, evaluation, and alternative strategies to establish a telecommunications venture in developed and developing countries. A semester-long project will develop and present a business plan to a potential investor. Class topics include cultural issues, partnerships, pricing, marketing, operations, financial structure, and risk. National approaches to licensing, pricing, spectrum, interconnection, and competition law are emphasized. Prereq., TLEN 5010. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior) or gaduate students in the College of Engineering or Leeds School of Business only.

CVEN-5110 (3) HVAC Design 1

Explores design of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for buildings. Covers HVAC systems description, load estimating, code compliance, duct design, fan systems, applied psychrometrics, cooling and heating coils, filters, hydronic systems, piping, and pumps. Prereq., AREN 3010 or equivalent. Same as AREN 4110.

ASEN-5111 (3) Introduction to Aeroelasticity

Introduces static and dynamic aeroelasticity of airfoils and wings. Covers the classical aeroelasticity theory and introduces computational methods for aeroelastic problems. Prereqs., ASEN 3111, MATH 3130, and MATH 4430, or equivalent, or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CVEN-5111 (3) Structural Dynamics

Introduces dynamic response of linear elastic single and multiple degree of freedom systems. Includes time and frequency domain analysis. Also analyzes building structures. Prereq., instructor consent.

ASEN-5114 (3) Automatic Control Systems

Same as ASEN 4114. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5114 (3) Waveguides and Transmission Lines

Intermediate course dealing with guided-wave systems at HF, microwave, and optical frequencies. Modern waveguiding structures, including circular metallic waveguides, microstrip transmission lines, and optical waveguides are treated. Additional material may include waveguide losses, excitation of waveguides, microwave network theory, coupled-mode theory, resonators, and pulse propagation in waveguides. Prereq., ECEN 3410.

MCEN-5115 (3) Mechantronics and Robotics I

Same as MCEN 4115. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

ASEN-5116 (3) Spacecraft Life Support Systems

Provides a working knowledge of the systems needed to sustain human life in a spacecraft environment. Emphasis is on understanding functional requirements of a life support system; operational details of subsystem technologies; new concepts currently being considered in NASA's advanced programs; and conducting a technical trade study. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

MCEN-5117 (3) Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers

Same as MCEN 4117. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

MCEN-5121 (3) Compressible Flow

Applies energy, continuity, and momentum principles to compressible flow. Topics include normal and oblique shocks; Prandtl-Meyer expansion; methods of characteristics; and one-, two-, and three-dimensional subsonic, supersonic, and hypersonic flows. Prereq., MCEN 5021 or equivalent. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

ASEN-5122 (3) Control of Aerospace Structures 1

Introduces the basic problems in dynamic modeling and active control of large spacecraft and satellites. Includes system descriptions, model reduction, controller design, and closed-loop stability analysis. Prereq., ASEN 3200, graduate standing, or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

MCEN-5122 (3) Statistical Thermodynamics

Axiomatic formulation of macroscopic thermodynamics. Quantum mechanical description of atomic and molecular structure. Statistical mechanics description of thermodynamic properties of gases, liquids and solids. Elementary kinetic theory of gases and evaluation of transport properties. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prereq., undergraduate thermodynamics. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

MCEN-5123 (3) Theory of Vibration

Same as MCEN 4123. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.
