
TLEN-5010 (3) Network Economics and Finance I

Introduces students to the fundamental theoretical framework and tools used by economists to examine decision making under scarcity. Reviews mathematical economics and models. Examines consumer choice and firm supply. These two aspects of the market are brought together to examine how price and output are determined in competitive and imperfectly competitive markets. Introduces financial economics, network effects and public goods. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior) or gaduate students in the College of Engineering or Leeds School of Business only.

ASEN-5012 (3) Mechanics of Aerospace Structures

Applies fundamental concepts of continuum mechanics, theory of elasticity, and energy methods to the analysis of structures. Prereqs., APPM 2360 and ASEN 2001, 2003, and 3112, or equivalent. Similar to MCEN 5023. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5014 (3) Linear Control Systems

Introduces the theory of linear systems, including vector spaces, linear equations, structure of linear operators, state space descriptions of dynamic systems, and state feedback control methods. Prereq., ASEN 3200. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5016 (3) Space Life Sciences

Familiarizes students with factors affecting living organisms in the reduced-gravity environment of space flight. Covers basic life support requirements, human physiological adaptations, and cellular-level gravity dependent processes with emphasis on technical writing and research proposal preparation. Prereq., graduate standing in engineering or senior with 3.25 GPA. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5018 (3) Graduate Projects I

Exposes MS and PhD students to project management and systems engineering disciplines while working a complex aerospace engineering project as part of a project team. The project team may perform some or all of the following project activities during this first semester of the two-semester course sequence: requirements, definition, design and design review, build, test, and verification. Recommended prereqs., ASEN 4138, or 5148, or 5158.

CVEN-5020 (3) Building Energy Audits

Analyzes and measures performance of HVAC systems, envelopes, lighting and hot water systems, and modifications to reduce energy use. Emphasizes existing buildings. Prereq., AREN 3010 or equivalent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

EMEN-5020 (3) Finance and Accounting for Engineering Managers

Provides the concepts and skills necessary to financially analyze project and assess financial performance and status of an organization. Includes the time value of money, comparison of alternatives, taxes, risk management, cash flow, and financial cash statements. Required for all degree students. Non-EMP students require instructor permission. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.

MCEN-5020 (3) Methods of Engineering Analysis 1

Studies selected topics from linear algebra, ordinary differential equations, and Fourier series. Assigns computer exercises. Correlates with analysis topics in other mechanical engineering graduate courses, and emphasizes applications. Prereq., APPM 2360 or equivalent. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

TLEN-5020 (3) Economics of Competition Policy in Network Industries

Develops methods to evaluate investments to account for uncertainty and dynamics. Examines approaches such as real options methodology, useful in a wide variety of applications including stock and project valuations, capital budgeting, and strategic planning. Prereq., TLEN 5010 or instructor consent.

ECEN-5021 (1-4) Special Topics

Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Electrical Engineering (EEEN) or Electrical/Computer Engineering (ECEN) or Electrical Engineering Concurrent or Electrical/Computer Engineering Concurrent Degree students only.

MCEN-5021 (3) Introduction to Fluid Dynamics

Focuses on physical properties of gases and liquids, and kinematics of flow fields. Analyzes stress; viscous, heat-conducting Newtonian fluids; and capillary effects and surface-tension-driven flow. Other topics include vorticity and circulation, ideal fluid flow theory in two and three dimensions, Schwartz-Christoffel transformations, free streamline theory, and internal and free-surface waves. Coreq., MCEN 5020 or equivalent. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

ASEN-5022 (3) Dynamics of Aerospace Structures

Applies concepts covered in undergraduate dynamics, structures, and mathematics to the dynamics of aerospace structural components, including methods of dynamic analysis, vibrational characteristics, vibration measurements, and dynamic stability. Prereqs., ASEN 5012, 5227, or equivalent. Recommended prereq., MATH 3130. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

MCEN-5022 (3) Classical Thermodynamics

First and second laws of thermodynamics. Entropy and availability. Cycle analysis. Thermodynamic properties of pure substances and mixtures. Property relations. Chemical reactions and chemical availability. Energy systems analysis. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

MCEN-5023 (3) Solid Mechanics 1

Introduces stress, strain, and motion of a continuous system. Discusses material derivative; fundamental laws of mass, momentum, energy, and entropy; constitutive equations and applications to elasticand plastic materials. Prereq., MCEN 2063 or equivalent; coreq., MCEN 5020 or equivalent. Similar to ASEN 5012. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

MCEN-5024 (3) Materials Chemistry and Structures

Provides graduate level students with a comprehensive overview of the chemistry and structure of material systems, with a focus on chemical bonding., the resulting material structures and their properties. This course is intended to become one of the four core courses offered in the new Materials Science curriculum. Course topics include: bonding in solids, crystalline and amorphous states, basic group theory, diffraction, metals and alloys, ceramics, and an intro to mat. characterization. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

EMEN-5025 (3) Entrepreneurial Finance for Engineers

Teaches students to prepare, interpret and use financial information, in the context of startup and early stage enterprises. Includes historical financial statements, budgets and the budgeting process, andthe use of financial information in raising capital. Non-EMP students require instructor permission. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.

MCEN-5025 (3) Computer-Aided Design of Mechanical Systems

Instructs students in displacement, velocity, and accelerations matrix formulation of mechanisms. Emphasizes numerical methods to solve simultaneous nonlinear algebraic and differential equations modeling mechanical devices. Involves analysis and synthesis of mechanical components and systems, including planar and spatial linkages, cams, springs, shafts, and gear trains. Prereqs., MCEN 3030 or equivalent, and MCEN 3025. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

MCEN-5027 (1) Graduate Seminar

Offers weekly presentations by visiting speakers, faculty, and students. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.
