
CHEN-4800 (3) Bioprocess Engineering

Reviews the recent developments in the fields of microbiology, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering that are of commercial value and benefit to mankind. Covers engineering implementation of such biological processes. Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) or graduate students in engineering. Same as CHEN 5800.

EMEN-4800 (3) Technology Ventures and Marketing.

Acquiring basic management and marketing skills is essential to successfully participating in technology venture development whether in a start-up company or Fortune 500 company. In the course, students learn to evaluate a technology, consider it's viability as product, and learn the basic tenets of marketing with emphasis on developing a technology innovation into a commercially successful product with a mind on customer development as a key aspect of product development. Restricted to junior or senior in the College of Engineering and Applied Science with EMP approval. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) College of Engineering students only.

CHEN-4801 (3) Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Focuses on the engineering needed to bring therapeutic products derived from living organisms (e.g., proteins, peptides, DNA, RNA) from the production plant to the patient. Covers the challenges of keeping these products "active" as they are stored, shipped, and administered to patients. Prereq., CHEN 3320 (min. grade C-). Coreq., CHEN 4330 or 4830. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of CHEN 3320 and pre-requisite or co-requisite courses of CHEN 4830 or CHEN 4330.

CHEN-4803 (3) Metabolic Engineering

Introduces basic concepts in metabolic engineering and explores modern approaches in metabolic and strain engineering. Application areas that will be discussed will include the use of metabolic engineering approaches in biofuels and biorefining as well as biopharmaceutical production. Prereq., CHEM 4611 or 4711 and 4731, and APPM 2360. CHEN 4803 and 5803 are the same course.

CHEN-4805 (3) Biomaterials

Provides an overview of biomaterials. Covers major classes of materials used in medical applications, properties, degradation mechanisms, and characterization methods, foreign body response, methods to control physiological response to biomaterial surfaces, biocompatibility, biomaterials used in soft and hard tissue replacements, drug delivery devices and tissue engineering, and design criteria for developing a material for a given biological application. Prereq., CHEM 3311 (min. grade C-). Same as CHEN 5805.

CSCI-4809 (3) Computer Animation

Develops a firm understanding of the general principles of computer animation. Lectures cover the creation of models, materials, textures, surfaces, and lighting. Path and key frame animation, particle dynamics, and rendering are introduced. Students are assigned a number of animation tutorials to carry out. CSCI 4809/5809 and ATLS 4809/5809 are all the same course.

CHEN-4810 (2) Biological Engineering Laboratory

Involves planning and execution of chemical engineering experiments on mass transfer operations, bioseparations, and biological reactors. Interprets experimental data with theoretical principles and statistical analysis. Emphasizes communication with written memos, full reports and oral presentations. Prereqs., CHEN 3130 and 4820.

CSCI-4810 (1) Seminar in Computational Biology

Provides an overview of current research topics in computational biology and health informatics, with a focus on research conducted on campus. Each week students will attend an on-campus seminar or a presentation by an on-campus research group. Prepares students to participate in a research project. Prereqs., CSCI 4312 or 4314 or 4317. CSCI 4810 and 5810 are the same course.

ECEN-4811 (3) Neural Signals and Functional Brain Imaging

Explores bioelectric and metabolic signals generated by the nervous system from two standpoints: 1) their biophysical genesis and role in neural integration and 2) neurotechnologies such as electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, deep brain stimulation, and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Prereqs., ECEN 2260 or 3030, ASEN 3300, or instructor consent. Same as ECEN 5811 and ASEN 4216.

CHEN-4820 (3) Biochemical Separations

Lect. and lab. Presents purification methods, mass transfer coefficients, problems specific to biologicals, and scale-up of processes. Also covers chromatography, phase extraction, supercritical fluids, sedimentation, precipitation, electrophoresis, dialysis, affinity techniques, cell separation, application of separations to bioreactors, and comparison of batch and continuous processes. Prereq., senior standing or above in engineering or science. Same as CHEN 5820.

ECEN-4821 (3) Neural Systems and Physiological Control

A biophysical exploration of human physiology from the standpoints of control systems and neural information processing. Topics include: neural control of movement and cardiovascular performance, tissue growth and repair, carcinogenesis, and physiological responses to microgravity. Prereqs., ECEN 2260 or 3030, ASEN 3300, or instructor consent. Same as ECEN 5821 and ASEN 4426/5426.

CVEN-4822 (3) Geographical Information Systems for Civil and Environmental Systems

Theory and use of geographical information systems in civil engineering, environmental studies, natural resources, and other related disciplines. Topics include spatial data models, data capture, global positioning system, database linkage, use in design, analysis and implementation. Laboratory work includes applications of Arc-View and Arc-GIS software. Prereq., CVEN 2012 or instructor consent. Same as CVEN 5822.

EMEN-4825 (3) Entrepreneurial Business Plan Preparation

Instructs students in the necessary elements of a business plan and how to prepare a complete well-written plan for an entrepreneurial business venture. Students work in interdisciplinary business-engineering five-person teams to create a business concept and take it through to business plan completion. Same as ESBM 4830. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) College of Engineering students only.

ECEN-4827 (3) Analog IC Design

Covers the fundamentals of transistor-level analog integrated circuit design. Starting with motivations from application circuits, the course developes principles of dc biasing, device models, amplifier stages, frequency response analysis and feedback and compensation techniques for multi-stage operational amplifiers. Prereq., ECEN 3250. Same as ECEN 5827. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

AREN-4830 (1-3) Special Topics for Seniors/Grads.

Supervised study of special topics of interest to students under instructor guidance. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent required.

CHEN-4830 (3) Chemical Engineering Biokinetics

Introduces chemical kinetics, chemical reactor design, and biological kinetics. Involves mass and energy balances for steady-state and transient reactor systems. Also covers residence time distribution, mass transfer, catalytic reactions, multiple steady states in reactors, enzyme kinetics, metabolic networks, and cell growth kinetics. Prereqs., CHEN 2810, 3210 and 3320 (all min. grade C-). Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of CHEN 3320 and CHEN 3210 (or MCEN 3022). Restricted to junior/senior CBEN majors, or MS/BS CBEN/CHEN concurrent degree majors.

CSCI-4830 (1-3) Special Topics in Computer Science

Covers topics of interest in computer science at the senior undergraduate level. Content varies from semester to semester. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours.

GEEN-4830 (3) Special Topics

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Restricted to engineering students.

ECEN-4831 (3) Brains, Minds, and Computers

Provides background for the design of artificially intelligent systems based upon our present knowledgeof the human brain. Includes similarities and differences between the brain and computers, robots, and common computer models of brain and mind. Emphasizes the neuron as an information processor, and organization of natural as well as synthetic neural networks. Prereq., ECEN 2260 or 3030, or instructor consent. Same as ECEN 5831, ASEN 4436/5436.

CVEN-4834 (1-3) Special Topics

Prereq., instructor consent. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours provided topics are different.

AREN-4836 (1-3) Special Topics For Seniors/Grads

Supervised study of special topics of interest to students under instructor guidance. Prereq., instructor consent.

CHEN-4836 (3) Nanomaterials

Presents fundamental chemical and physical concepts that give rise to the unique optical, electronic and magnetic properties of nanoscale materials. Introduces important synthetic routes for producing nanomaterials, and interparticle forces governing colloidal behavior and self-assembly. Discusses current and potential applications in catalysis, biomedicine, renewable energy, and other fields. Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) or graduate students only. CHEN 4836 and 5836 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior).

AREN-4837 (3) Special Topics for Seniors/Grads

Supervised study of special topics of interest to students under instructor guidance. Prereq., instructor consent.
