
CVEN-4323 (3) Water Resource Engineering Design

Design of urban water supply, wastewater, and supply stormwater management system, with demand management as an option. Exploration of the feasibility of recycling and reuse of treated wastewater and stormwater. Prereqs., CVEN 3227 and 4147. Same as CVEN 5423.

ECEN-4324 (3) Fundamentals of Microsystem Packaging

Introduction to the fundamentals of microsystems packaging. This is a seminar style course which surveys topics in microsystem packaging such as: electrical package design, design for reliability, thermal management, multichip packaging, IC Assembly, sealing and encapsulation, and board assembly. Coreq., ECEN 3410 or instructor consent. Same as ECEN 5324. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) College of Engineering majors only.

CHEN-4330 (3) Chemical Engineering Reaction Kinetics

Introduces chemical kinetics and chemical reactor design. Involves mass and energy balances for steady-state and transient reactor systems. Also covers residence time distribution, mass transfer,catalytic reactions, and multiple steady states in reactors. Prereq., CHEN 3210 or MCEN 3022 and CHEN 3320 (min. grade C-). Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of CHEN 3320 and CHEN 3210 (or MCEN 3022). This class is restricted to junior/senior Chemical Engineering majors or MS/BS CHEN concurrent degreee majors.

CVEN-4333 (3) Engineering Hydrology

Studies engineering applications of principles of hydrology, including hydrologic cycle, rainfall and runoff, groundwater, storm frequency and duration studies, stream hydrography, flood frequency, and flood routing. Prereqs., CVEN 3227 and 3323.

ASEN-4338 (3) Computer Analysis of Structures

Covers basic structural design concepts and finite element modeling techniques. Emphasizes use of finite element static and dynamic analysis to validate and refine an initial design. Introduces basic design optimization and tailoring. Proficiency in Matlab required. Prereq., ASEN 3112. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of ASEN 3112

CSCI-4342 (3) Groupware and Workflow Systems

Supports students in developing professional skills and knowledge concerning the use of computer technologies to support collaborative activities. Also covers the impact of digital collaboration technologies on users, groups, organizations and society. Students will gain practical experience with Business Process Management and the use of Workflow Management Systems. Same as CSCI 5342.

CVEN-4353 (3) Groundwater Engineering

Studies the occurrence, movement, extraction for use,and quantity and quality aspects of groundwater. Introduces and uses basic concepts to solve engineering and geohydrologic problems. Prereq., Cven 3313. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

ECEN-4375 (3) Microstructures Laboratory

Offers experience in monolithic silicon integrated circuit fabrication techniques, including Ic layout,pattern compiling and generation, mask making, oxidation, photolithography, diffusion, implantation, metallization, bonding, process analysis, and testing. Includes design project. Prereq., ECEN 3320. Same as ECEN 5375.

CVEN-4383 (3) Groundwater Modeling

Studies mathematical and numerical techniques needed to develop models to solve problems in water flow and chemical transport in aquifers. Emphasizes the learning of modeling techniques from fundamentals and the application of models to solve problems in groundwater engineering. Recommended prereq., CVEN 4353. Same as CVEN 5383.

CVEN-4404 (3) Water Chemistry

Introduces chemical fundamentals of inorganic aqueous compounds and contaminants in lecture and laboratory. Lecture topics include thermodynamics and kinetics of acids and base reactions, carbonate chemistry, air-water exchange, precipitation, dissolution, complexation, oxidation-reduction, and sorption. Prereqs., CHEN 1211 and CVEN 3414, or CHEM 1111 and 1131 for non-engineers. Restricted to CVEN and EVEN majors only. Formerly CVEN 3454. Prerequisites: Restricted to Civil or Environmental Engineering majors only.

CSCI-4412 (3) Design, Creativity, and New Media

Explores the design of new media and technologies to support design and creativity. Analyzes design and creativity as human activities of fundamental importance in the networked information culture and economy. Provides theoretical and practical analysis of new media. Instructor consent required. Recommended prereq., CSCI 3002. Instructor consent required. Same as CSCI 5412.

CVEN-4414 (1) Water Chemistry Laboratory

Reinforces chemical fundamentals of inorganic aqueous compounds and contaminants from CVEN 4404 Water Chemistry in laboratory experiments and reports. Topics include acids and bases, carbonate chemistry (alkalinity), and other water chemistry characteristics (hardness, dissolved oxygen); precipitation, complexation, and oxidation-reduction reactions; and laboratory techniques and reporting. Prereqs., CHEN 1211 and CVEN 3414 or CHEN 1111 and 1131 for non-engineers. Coreq., CVEN 4404. Restricted to CVEN or EVEN majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Civil or Environmental Engineering majors only.

AREN-4420 (3) Cost Engineering

Focuses on conceptual cost estimating and evaluation techniques to support engineering design. Topics include assemblies estimating, probabilistic estimating, value engineering, constructability concepts, and life-cycle costing. Prereq., CVEN 3246.

ECEN-4423 (3) Chaotic Dynamics

Explores chaotic dynamics theoretically and through computer simulations. Covers the standard computational and analytical tools used in nonlinear dynamics and concludes with an overview of leading-edge chaos research. Topics include time and phase-space dynamics, surfaces of section, bifurcation diagrams, fractal dimension, and Lyapunov exponents. Prereqs., two semesters calculus, ECEN 1030 or CSCI 1300 or equivalent, and PHYS 1110. Recommended prereqs., PHYS 1120, CSCI 3656, and MATH 3130. Same as CSCI 4446 and ECEN 5423.

CVEN-4424 (3) Environmental Organic Chemistry

Examines the fundamental physical and chemical transformations affecting the fate and transport of organic contaminants in natural and treated waters. Emphasizes quantitative approach to solubility, vapor pressure, air-water exchange, sorption, hydrolysis and redox reactions, and photodegradation. Prereq., CHEN 1211 or equivalent.

ASEN-4426 (3) Neural Systems and Physiological Control

A biophysical exploration of human physiology from the standpoints of control systems and neural information processing. Topics include: neural control of movement and cardiovascular performance, tissue growth and repair, carcinogenesis, and physiological responses to microgravity. Prereqs., ECEN 2260 or 3030, ASEN 3300, or instructor consent. Same as ASEN 4426 and ECEN 4821/5821. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of ASEN 3300 or ECEN 2260 or ECEN 3030

CVEN-4434 (4) Environmental Engineering Design

Examines the design of facilities for the treatment of municipal water and wastewater, hazardous industrial waste, contaminated environmental sites, and sustainable sanitation in developing countries. Economic, societal, and site specific criteria impacting designs are emphasized. Prereq., CVEN 3414. Restricted to seniors.

ASEN-4436 (3) Brains, Minds, Computers

An introductory, integrative survey of brain science, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and their interrelations. Considers central concepts and principles from each of these areas and the similarities and difference of brain, minds, computers, robots, etc. Same as ASEN 5436 and ECEN 4831/5831. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) College of Engineering majors only.

CHEN-4440 (3) Chemical Engineering Materials

Introduces materials engineering, including properties of polymers, metals, ceramics, and semiconductors, especially as related to chemical engineering processes. Prereq., CHEN 3320 and CHEM 3311 (min grade C-).

CSCI-4446 (3) Chaotic Dynamics

Explores chaotic dynamics theoretically and through computer simulations. Covers the standard computational and analytical tools used in nonlinear dynamics and concludes with an overview of leading-edge chaos research. Topics include time and phase-space dynamics, surfaces of section, bifurcation diagrams, fractal dimension, and Lyapunov exponents. Prereqs., two semesters calculus, CSCI 1200, 1300 or equivalent, and PHYS 1110. Recommended prereqs., PHYS 1120, CSCI 3656, and MATH 3130. Same as CSCI 5446 and ECEN 4423.

CSCI-4448 (3) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

An applied analysis and design class addressing the use of object-oriented techniques. Topics include domain modeling, use cases, architectural design, and modeling notations. Students apply the techniques in analysis and design projects. Restricted to Computer Science (CSMR) or all other College of Engineering majors only. Prereq., CSCI 3155 or expertise in one or more object-oriented programming languages, such as C++ or Java. Same as CSCI 5448. Prerequisites: Restricted to Computer Science (CSMR) or all other College of Engineering majors only.

CHEN-4450 (3) Polymer Chemistry

Introduces polymer science with a focus on polymer chemistry and polymerization reactions. Focuses on polymerization reaction engineering and how polymer properties depend on structure. Prereq., CHEN 4330 and CHEM 3311 (all min. grade C-). Same as CHEN 5450.

CHEN-4460 (3) Polymer Engineering

Introductory polymer engineering course reviewing basic terminology and definitions; the properties and synthetic routes of important industrial polymers; and processing of polymers and their applications. Prereq., CHEM 3311 and CHEN 3320 (min. grade C-). Same as CHEN 5460. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of CHEM 3311 and CHEN 3320

AREN-4466 (3) Construction Planning and Scheduling

Comprehensively studies project management activities for scheduling and delivering construction projects, including the contractor's role in preconstruction and construction activities and the application of CPM/PERT techniques to the planning, scheduling, and control of a construction project. Prereq., CVEN 3246. Restricted to Architectural or Civil Engineering majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Architectural or Civil Engineering majors only.

CVEN-4474 (3) Hazardous and Industrial Waste Management

Evaluates processes used for treatment of wastes requiring special handling and disposal: toxic organic chemicals, heavy metals, and acidic, caustic, and radioactive waste material. Discusses techniques for destruction, immobilization, and resource recovery and assessment of environmental impact of treatment process end products. Prereq., CVEN 3414. Same as CVEN 5474. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.
