
MUSC-1325 (1) Piano Sight Reading

Studies techniques for improving sight-reading skills at the keyboard, with practical work in solo, ensemble, and choral literature. Also covers score reading and transposition. Restricted to piano majors instructor consent. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-1326 (1) Guitar Musicianship

Activities in sight-reading, fretboard harmony and comprehension of harmony and texture. Some work will be tied to the repertoire being studied in studio lessons. Open only to students with an emphasis on guitar performance in their degree plan. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

EMUS-1327 (1) Symphony Orchestra

2.0 hours offered CE Aspen Music School only. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 credits (Freshmen or Sophomore) only.

EMUS-1367 (1) Early Music Ensembles

Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 credits (Freshmen or Sophomore) College of Music majors only.

MUEL-1416 (2) Introduction to Hand Percussion

Studies the literature and technique of hand percussion. Emphasizes African and Latin percussion techniques. Designed for non-music majors. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Restricted to non-College of Music majors only. Formerly EMUS1416. Prerequisites: Restricted to non-College of Music majors only.

EMUS-1417 (1) Percussion Ensemble

Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 credits (Freshmen or Sophomore) College of Music majors only.

EMUS-1427 (1) Jazz Ensemble

2.0 hours offered CE Aspen Music School only. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 credits (Freshmen or Sophomore) only.

EMUS-1437 (1) Jazz Combo

Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 credits (Freshmen or Sophomore) only.

EMUS-1447 (1) Guitar Ensemble

Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 credits (Freshmen or Sophomore) College of Music majors only.

EMUS-1467 (1) World Music Ensemble

Study and performance of music's of minority cultures in the United States, including Native American, Latin American, African American, and Asian American, as well as music from the mother cultures of these groups. Same as EMUS 3467 and 5467. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 credits (Freshmen or Sophomore) only.

EMUS-1477 (1) Vocal Jazz Ensemble

Study and performance of various vocal jazz styles, development of improvisational techniques, and investigation of the challenges of music making in a small group setting. Same as EMUS 3477 and EMUS 5477.

EMUS-1507 (1) Chamber Music

Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 credits (Freshmen or Sophomore) only.

PMUS-1515 (2) Jazz Piano Class

Offers small group instruction in the concepts and skills required to learn jazz piano. Students not only learn basic techniques required to play jazz but also become familiar with the theory, grammar, and lexicon of the jazz language. May be repeated up to 4 total credit hours. Prereq., PMUS 1205 or instructor consent required. Offered spring only.

EMUS-1517 (1) Campus Orchestra

Offers University string, wind and percussion performers not majoring in music an opportunity to play in a conducted orchestra. Rehearsals are one one night per week and has limited performance demands. Auditions are not required for strings. Instruments are available if needed. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours. Same as EMUS 3517. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 credits (Freshmen or Sophomore) only.

MUSC-1544 (1) Italian Diction

Designed for the understanding of lyric Italian diction, the international phonetic alphabet, and its application to classical singing. Required for freshmen BM voice majors. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-1554 (1) English Diction

Designed for the understanding of lyric English diction, the international phonetic alphabet, and its application to classical singing as well as various musical styles of English classical voice literature. Prereq., MUSC 1544. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Required for Freshmen BM voice majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-1802 (3) Introduction to Musical Styles and Ideas

Introduces the study of music including bibliographic, listening, score reading, critical reading, and writing skills; music terminology; a survey of selected music genres (symphonic and chamber music); and building of general music repertory. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUEL-1832 (3) Appreciation of Music

Provides a basic knowledge of primarily Western music literature and development of discriminating listening habits. Restricted to nonmusic majors. Formerly EMUS 1832. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts. Offered fall and spring. Prerequisites: Restricted to non-College of Music majors only.
