
JOUR-4272 (3) Principles of Public Relations

Introduces the economics, ethics, history, impact, practice, and social context of the public relations industry in America. Includes an analysis of public relations in agencies, corporations, political campaigns, social service organizations, universities, and other venues. Emphasizes writing for public relations, including fact sheets, press releases, reports, and speeches. Same as JOUR 5272. Restricted to Journalism majors with a minimum of 57 hours taken. Prerequisites: Restricted to School of Journalism and Mass Communication with a minimum of 57 hours taken.

JOUR-4282 (3) Public Relations Strategy and Campaigns

Develops and applies public relations programs, from identification of the problem through execution of public relations techniques. Prereq., JOUR 4272. Same as JOUR 5282. Prerequisites: Requires a prerequisite course of JOUR 4272.

JOUR-4301 (3) Media Ethics

Provides students with an overview of the theories, ethics codes, and analytical models that are used in journalism, public relations, and advertising. Introduces students to a variety of ethical issues that can arise across media professions, as well as the industry practices that can lead to ethical lapses, and teaches students how to challenge those practices. Same as JOUR 5301. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) School of Journalism & Mass Communication majors only.

JOUR-4311 (3) Media Criticism

Introduces the critical perspectives most often employed in qualitative media analysis: semiology, structuralism, Marxism, psychoanalytical criticism, sociological criticism, etc. Texts from contemporary print and broadcast media. JOUR 4311 and 5311 are the same course.

JOUR-4321 (3) Media Institutions and Economics

Focuses on the institutions and practices of the media industries. Surveys the histories, structures, and activities of these organizations and the contemporary issues surrounding them. Same as JOUR 5321. Prerequisites: Restricted to School of Journalism and Mass Communication majors with a minimum of 75 hours taken.

JOUR-4331 (3) Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality in Popular Culture

Studies the construction, interconnections, and replications of gender, race, class, and sexuality in popular culture and how these constructs become cultural norms and mores. Uses critical methods with a focus on producing responsible viewers and readers. Same as JOUR 5331, WMST 4331. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) School of Journalism & Mass Communication majors only.

JOUR-4341 (3) International Media and Global Crises

Examines strengths and limits on medias role in globalized crises (e.g. financial, climate change, health) in light of changing distribution of global power. Introduction to current crises; context-analytical approach to media technologies, financing and uses; application to national cases. Restricted to JOUR and IAFS juniors/seniors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Journalism & Mass Communication (JOUR) or International Affairs (IAFS) majors only.

JOUR-4344 (3) Video Documentary Production

Designed to give students the experience of researching, writing, shooting and editing their own documentaries. Prereq., JOUR 3644. Same as JOUR 5344. Prerequisites: Requires a prequisite course of JOUR 3644.

JOUR-4351 (3) Reporting Wars, Disasters, and Peace

Explores how journalists report international breaking news with a focus on war, disaster and peace and how these news events affect peoples' lives, governmental decisions and news media operations.

JOUR-4354 (3) TV Reporting

Students learn basic broadcast reporting skills---where to find news and how to cover it, how to analyze and organize news stories. Skills are linked with advanced concepts of shooting and editing videotape in order to produce news stories on deadline. Prereqs., JOUR 3604 and 3644. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of JOUR 3604 and 3644. Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Broadcast News (BCNS-BSJR or JBCN-BSJR) majors only.

JOUR-4361 (3) TV and the Family in American Culture and Society

Examines the history and character of two central institutions in American society--the family and television--to gain deeper understanding of their formative and enduring roles. Topics include: intersecting histories of the family and television; economic logic of the TV industry and programming; representations of the family in television programming; how families use and interact with television.

JOUR-4403 (4) Advertising Campaigns

Gives students the opportunity to work in small groups to develop material for an actual client. Students examine basic principles of group dynamics and effective teamwork while conducting research, developing strategies and creating a multimedia campaign. All work is presented to the client. Prereq., JOUR 3463 or 3503. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of JOUR 3463 or 3503. Restricted to Advertising (ADVT-BSJR or JADV-BSJR) or Marketing (MKTG) majors with a minimum of 85 hours.

JOUR-4453 (3) Advertising and Society

Examines criticisms and contributions of advertising in society and the economy. Same as JOUR 5453.

JOUR-4502 (3) Reporting 3

Involves writing news and features about actual events for publication under deadline pressure. Lab to be arranged. Prereqs., JOUR 3552 and 4002. Restricted to News Editorial majors and with a minumum of 85 hours taken. Same as JOUR 5502. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of JOUR 3552 and 4002. Restricted to News Editorial (NSED-BSJR or JNED-BSJR) majors and with a minumum of 85 hours taken.

JOUR-4503 (3) Advanced Creative Concepts

Builds on skills acquired in JOUR 3503 and 4513 to help students enhance their conceptual abilities and generate both print and integrated multimedia campaigns. Students work in teams to develop an extensive body of work that's exhibited in an awards show judged by advertising professionals. Prereqs., JOUR 3503 and 4513 and instructor consent.

JOUR-4513 (3) Art Direction

Explores theories of visual communication, the visual imagination, and key principles of design. Develops students ability to express ideas through images and to create both effective visual concepts and layouts for a variety of media. Prereq., JOUR 3453 and instructor consent. Coreq. JOUR 3503.

JOUR-4523 (3) Portfolio

Gives students an opportunity to develop an extensive body of work. Students create integrated campaigns, which include print, digital and guerilla ideas. Final portfolios are critiqued by both faculty and outside reviewers. JOUR 4503 and instructor consent.

JOUR-4533 (3) Applied Consumer Insights

Provides an opportunity to use and master quantitative and qualitative research methods. Students conduct research and analyze data to determine the targets relationship with specific product categories and identify the emotional and practical needs that motivate purchase. Prereqs., JOUR 3403, 3453. Restricted to Advertising or Marketing majors only with a minimum of 57 hours taken. Prerequisites: Restricted to Advertising (ADVT-BSJR or JADV-BSJR) or Marketing (MKTG) majors only with a minimum of 57 hours taken.

JOUR-4543 (3) Strategic Brand Management

Examines the theory of branding: what brands are, how brands are created and measured, as well as strategies for managing brands and brand communication. Prereq., JOUR 3463. Restricted to Advertising or Marketing majors only with a minimum of 57 hours taken. Prerequisites: Restricted to Advertising (ADVT-BSJR or JADV-BSJR) or Marketing (MKTG) majors only with a minimum of 57 hours taken.

JOUR-4562 (3) Digital Journalism

Builds upon digital production skills through the creation of multimedia project. Applies media theory to evaluate digital media content and explore how digital forms influence the news industry, politics, culture, and society. Prereq., JOUR 3002. Same as JOUR 5562. Prerequisites: Restricted to School of Journalism and Mass Communication majors with a minimum of 75 hours taken.

JOUR-4602 (3) Editorial, Commentary and Opinion Writing

Concentrates on several of the subjective areas of journalism. Emphasizes editorial and column writing, editorial pages and blogging. Prereq., JOUR 3001. Same as JOUR 5602. Prerequisites: Requires a prerequisite course of JOUR 3001.

JOUR-4614 (1-3) Advanced Audio Practices

Applies advanced skills in producing in-depth audio programming for radio stations in Colorado and for weekly discussion-critique sessions. Prereq., JOUR 3614.

JOUR-4624 (4) News Team

Students participate in Newsteam Boulder a program broadcast live over the Boulder cable television system. Prereq., JOUR 4354. Same as JOUR 5624. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of JOUR 4354. Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) Broacast News (BCNS) majors only.

JOUR-4634 (1-3) Broadcast Projects

Covers interpretation, preparation, and/or reporting in programs for broadcast media. Prepares radio or television documentaries and informational/entertainment programs. Prereqs., JOUR 3604 and 3644, or instructor consent.

JOUR-4651 (3) Media Law

Studies state and federal laws and court decisions that affect the media in order to develop knowledge of media rights and responsibilities and an understanding of the legal system. Prerequisites: Restricted to School of Journalism and Mass Communication majors with a minimum of 75 hours taken.
