
ECEN-3320 (3) Semiconductor Devices

Highlights the fundamentals of semiconductor materials and devices. Topics include the electrical and optical properties of semiconductors, the theory of Pn junctions, bipolar and field-effect transistors, and optoelectronic devices. Prereq., ECEN 3250. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

ECEN-3350 (3) Programming Digital Systems

Covers computer usage in system implementation, central processor capabilities, and managing concurrency. Includes computer architecture, instruction sets, programming, input/output, interrupts, block transfers, semaphores, shared procedures, multiple processors, and memory management. Prereq., ECEN 2350. Formerly ECEN 2120. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) College of Engineering students only.

ECEN-3400 (3) Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

Electromagnetic fields are covered at an introductory level, starting with electrostatics and continuing with DC current, magnetostatics, time-varying magnetic fields, waves on transmission lines, Maxwell's equations and the basics of plane waves. The use of fields in inductors, capacitors, resistors, transformers, and energy and power concepts are studied. Prereqs., APPM 2350, PHYS 1110, and ECEN 2250. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) College of Engineering students only.

ECEN-3410 (3) Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission

Covers reflected and transmitted plane waves in layered media, Poynting's theorem of electromagnetic power, two-conductor transmission line theory and practice, Smith chart usage and impedance matching, and elements of antenna theory. Prereq., ECEN 3400. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).

ECEN-3810 (3) Introduction to Probability Theory

Covers the fundamentals of probability theory, and treats the random variables and random processes of greatest importance in electrical engineering. Provides a foundation for study of communication theory, control theory, reliability theory, optics, and portfolio analysis. Prereqs., APPM 2350 and 2360. Credit not granted for this course and MATH 4510 or APPM 3570. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

ECEN-3840 (1-6) Independent Study

Offers an opportunity for juniors to do independent, creative work. Numbered ECEN 3840-3849. Prereq., instructor consent.

ECEN-3930 (6) ECE Co-op Education

Participate in a cooperative education program working with a corporate or government entity. Individual assignments are arranged between the department and the outside employer. This course is offered only through Continuing Education. May be repeated up to 24 credit hours. Prereq., ECEN 2120, 2260, minimum GPA of 2.85 required. Restricted to sophomore, junior and senior EEEN and ECEN majors.

ECEN-4001 (1-4) Special Topics

Credit and subject matter to be arranged. Numbered ECEN 4001-4049. Prerequisites vary.

ECEN-4021 (1-4) Special Topics

Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) College of Engineering majors only.

ECEN-4106 (3) Photonics

Deals with the generation, transmission, modification and detection of light. Applications include fiber optics communications, data storage, sensing, and imaging. Leads to understanding of fundamental physical principles used in the analysis and design of modern photonic systems. Prereqs., ECEN 3400. Coreq., ECEN 3300. Restricted to seniors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior).
