
CVEN-3424 (3) Water and Wastewater Treatment

Introduces design and operation of facilities for treatment of municipal water supplies and wastewater. Provides an engineering application of physical, chemical, and biological unit processes and operations for removal of impurities and pollutants. Involves an integrated design of whole treatment systems combining process elements. Prereq., CVEN 3414.

CVEN-3434 (3) Introduction to Applied Ecology

Emphasizes the integration of physical, chemical, and biological processes in controlling terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Ecosystem concepts are applied to current environmental and water quality problems. Includes field trips and a group project. Prereq., CHEM 1111 or CHEN 1211 and 1221. Restricted to junior/senior CVEN, EVEN, or AREN majors. Same as ENVS 3434. Prerequisites: Restricted to Civil, Environmental, or Architectural Engineering majors only.

CVEN-3525 (3) Structural Analysis

Studies structural analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate systems, deflections, energy methods, and force method. Prereq., CVEN 3161 or MCEN 2063. Restricted to Architectural or Civil Engineering majors only. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of CVEN 3161 or MCEN 2063. Restricted to Civil, Environmental, or Architectural Engineering majors only.

AREN-3540 (3) Illumination I

Studies the fundamentals of architectural illumination. Introduces and applies basic principles and vocabulary to elementary problems in the lighting of environments for the performance of visual work and the proper interaction with architecture. Prereq., GEEN 1300. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of GEEN 1300 (minimum grade C-).

CVEN-3602 (3) Transportation Systems

Introduces technology, operating characteristics, and relative merits of highway, airway, waterway, railroad, pipeline, and convey or transportation systems. Focuses on evaluation of urban transportation systems and recent transportation innovations. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

CVEN-3698 (3) Engineering Geology

Highlights the role of geology in engineering minerals; rocks; surficial deposits; rocks and soils as engineering materials; distribution of rocks at and below the surface; hydrologic influences; geologic exploration of engineering sites; mapping; and geology of underground excavations, slopes, reservoirs, and dam sites. Includes field trips.

CVEN-3708 (3) Geotechnical Engineering 1

Studies basic characteristics of geological materials; soil and rock classifications; site investigation; physical, mechanical, and hydraulic properties of geologic materials; the effective stress principle; soil and rock improvement; seepage analysis; stress distribution; and consolidation and settlement analyses. Selected experimental and computational laboratories. Prereq., CVEN 3161 or MCEN 2063. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of CVEN 3161 or MCEN 2063. Restricted to Civil, Environmental, or Architectural Engineering majors only.

CVEN-3718 (3) Geotechnical Engineering 2

Discusses shear strength, bearing capacity, lateral earth pressures, slope stability, and underground construction. Analyzes and looks at the design of shallow and deep foundations, retaining walls, tunnels, and other earth and rock structures. Selected experimental and computational laboratories. Prereq., CVEN 3708. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

AREN-4010 (3) HVAC System Modeling and Control

Engineering course devoted to building automation and control systems. Topics include HVAC control technology and strategies, measurement and device technologies, analysis and modeling of dynamic systems, simulation of conventional and advanced control approaches, assessment of control loop performance, and hands-on direct digital control (DDC) programming exercises as used in current building control practice. Prereq., AREN 4110. Same as CVEN 5010.

AREN-4035 (3) Architectural Structures 1

Analyzes basic structural systems. Covers principles of mechanics and mechanical properties of materials and analysis and design of trusses, arches, and cable structures. For nonengineering students; does not apply toward an engineering degree. Prereq., PHYS1110, and APPM 1350 or MATH 1300. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) College of Architecture and Planning majors only.

AREN-4045 (3) Architectural Structures 2

Analyzes basic structural systems. Covers principles of mechanics as applied to the design of flexural members, columns, continuous beams, and rigid frames. For nonengineering students; does not apply toward an engineering degree. Prereq., AREN 4035.

CVEN-4087 (3) Construction Contract Administration

Students will develop a working understanding of the various types of contracts, key contract provisions, how to evaluate contract risk, ethical requirements, and most importantly explore effective contract administration. Construction and engineering contracts are at the core of all project relationships. Through lecture, group dialog and case studies students will develop confidence in their ability to assess, understand and deploy contract administration in a construction setting. Prereq., senior standing in civil or architectural engineering or instructor consent.

AREN-4110 (3) HVAC Design 1

Applies engineering principles to the design of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for buildings. Covers HVAC systems description, load estimating, applied psychometrics, coils and heat exchangers, air and water distribution systems, and primary equipment and systems. Prereq., AREN 3010. Same as CVEN 5110.

CVEN-4147 (3) Civil Engineering Systems

Theory and application of the principles of engineering economics, and classical and metaheuristic optimization techniques for evaluating problems in civil and environmental engineering. Same as CVEN 5147. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) College of Engineering majors only.

CVEN-4161 (3) Mechanics of Materials 2

Covers advanced topics in the mechanics of solids. Some topics such as asymmetric bending of beams, torsion of non-circular cross-sections etc. are extensions of topics seen in CVEN 3161. Others like buckling and plate bending theory are new. The course presents unifying themes that underlie the study of mechanics. The course includes selected laboratory experiments. Prereq., CVEN 3161.

AREN-4315 (3) Design of Masonry Structures

Covers modern masonry construction; properties and behavior of the reinforced masonry component materials, clay and concrete masonry units, mortar, grout, and steel reinforcement; vertical and lateral load types and intensities; and design of reinforced masonry walls, beams, and columns by working stress and strength design methods. Prereq., CVEN 3525.

AREN-4317 (4) Architectural Engineering Design

Provides a capstone experience to AREN students. Students design a modest commercial building and complete an integrated engineering design of the building systems executed for the conceptual, schematic, and design development phases. Students' teams work on structural, mechanical, electrical/lighting, and construction engineering management design. Each stage produce a professional-quality design document. Faculty and industry mentors participate in the teaching and evaluation of designs. Prereqs., AREN 2406, 3010, CVEN 3246, 3525, and AREN 3540. Coreq., AREN 4570.

CVEN-4323 (3) Water Resource Engineering Design

Design of urban water supply, wastewater, and supply stormwater management system, with demand management as an option. Exploration of the feasibility of recycling and reuse of treated wastewater and stormwater. Prereqs., CVEN 3227 and 4147. Same as CVEN 5423.

CVEN-4333 (3) Engineering Hydrology

Studies engineering applications of principles of hydrology, including hydrologic cycle, rainfall and runoff, groundwater, storm frequency and duration studies, stream hydrography, flood frequency, and flood routing. Prereqs., CVEN 3227 and 3323.

CVEN-4353 (3) Groundwater Engineering

Studies the occurrence, movement, extraction for use,and quantity and quality aspects of groundwater. Introduces and uses basic concepts to solve engineering and geohydrologic problems. Prereq., Cven 3313. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

CVEN-4383 (3) Groundwater Modeling

Studies mathematical and numerical techniques needed to develop models to solve problems in water flow and chemical transport in aquifers. Emphasizes the learning of modeling techniques from fundamentals and the application of models to solve problems in groundwater engineering. Recommended prereq., CVEN 4353. Same as CVEN 5383.

CVEN-4404 (3) Water Chemistry

Introduces chemical fundamentals of inorganic aqueous compounds and contaminants in lecture and laboratory. Lecture topics include thermodynamics and kinetics of acids and base reactions, carbonate chemistry, air-water exchange, precipitation, dissolution, complexation, oxidation-reduction, and sorption. Prereqs., CHEN 1211 and CVEN 3414, or CHEM 1111 and 1131 for non-engineers. Restricted to CVEN and EVEN majors only. Formerly CVEN 3454. Prerequisites: Restricted to Civil or Environmental Engineering majors only.

CVEN-4414 (1) Water Chemistry Laboratory

Reinforces chemical fundamentals of inorganic aqueous compounds and contaminants from CVEN 4404 Water Chemistry in laboratory experiments and reports. Topics include acids and bases, carbonate chemistry (alkalinity), and other water chemistry characteristics (hardness, dissolved oxygen); precipitation, complexation, and oxidation-reduction reactions; and laboratory techniques and reporting. Prereqs., CHEN 1211 and CVEN 3414 or CHEN 1111 and 1131 for non-engineers. Coreq., CVEN 4404. Restricted to CVEN or EVEN majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Civil or Environmental Engineering majors only.

AREN-4420 (3) Cost Engineering

Focuses on conceptual cost estimating and evaluation techniques to support engineering design. Topics include assemblies estimating, probabilistic estimating, value engineering, constructability concepts, and life-cycle costing. Prereq., CVEN 3246.

CVEN-4424 (3) Environmental Organic Chemistry

Examines the fundamental physical and chemical transformations affecting the fate and transport of organic contaminants in natural and treated waters. Emphasizes quantitative approach to solubility, vapor pressure, air-water exchange, sorption, hydrolysis and redox reactions, and photodegradation. Prereq., CHEN 1211 or equivalent.
