
CHEN-4630 (1) Intellectual Property Law and Engineering

Learn the fundamentals of the various types of intellectual property, obtain the ability to search the USPTO database for patents, learn the difference between provisional patents, utility patents and foreign patents, and learn the timing requirements related to the filing of patents and public disclosure, use, and/or sale of an invention. Restricted to seniors. Same as CHEN 5630.

CHEN-4650 (3) Particle Technology

Aims to identify the important physical mechanisms occurring in processes involving particles, formulate and solve mathematical descriptions of such processes, and analyze experimental and theoretical results in both a qualitative and quantitative manner. Teaches students to apply this knowledge to the design of particulate systems. Conveys the breadth and depth of natural and industrial applications involving particulates. Prereq., APPM 2360 and CHEN 3200 or MCEN 3021 (all min. grade C-). Same as CHEN 5650.

CHEN-4670 (3) Environmental Separations

Lect. Covers traditional, as well as new, chemical separations processes that have environmental applications. Includes chemically benign processing (pollution prevention) as well as approaches to address existing pollution problems. Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) or graduate students only. Prereq., CHEN 2120 (min. grade C). Same as CHEN 5670.

CHEN-4800 (3) Bioprocess Engineering

Reviews the recent developments in the fields of microbiology, molecular genetics, and genetic engineering that are of commercial value and benefit to mankind. Covers engineering implementation of such biological processes. Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) or graduate students in engineering. Same as CHEN 5800.

CHEN-4801 (3) Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Focuses on the engineering needed to bring therapeutic products derived from living organisms (e.g., proteins, peptides, DNA, RNA) from the production plant to the patient. Covers the challenges of keeping these products "active" as they are stored, shipped, and administered to patients. Prereq., CHEN 3320 (min. grade C-). Coreq., CHEN 4330 or 4830. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of CHEN 3320 and pre-requisite or co-requisite courses of CHEN 4830 or CHEN 4330.

CHEN-4803 (3) Metabolic Engineering

Introduces basic concepts in metabolic engineering and explores modern approaches in metabolic and strain engineering. Application areas that will be discussed will include the use of metabolic engineering approaches in biofuels and biorefining as well as biopharmaceutical production. Prereq., CHEM 4611 or 4711 and 4731, and APPM 2360. CHEN 4803 and 5803 are the same course.

CHEN-4805 (3) Biomaterials

Provides an overview of biomaterials. Covers major classes of materials used in medical applications, properties, degradation mechanisms, and characterization methods, foreign body response, methods to control physiological response to biomaterial surfaces, biocompatibility, biomaterials used in soft and hard tissue replacements, drug delivery devices and tissue engineering, and design criteria for developing a material for a given biological application. Prereq., CHEM 3311 (min. grade C-). Same as CHEN 5805.

CHEN-4810 (2) Biological Engineering Laboratory

Involves planning and execution of chemical engineering experiments on mass transfer operations, bioseparations, and biological reactors. Interprets experimental data with theoretical principles and statistical analysis. Emphasizes communication with written memos, full reports and oral presentations. Prereqs., CHEN 3130 and 4820.

CHEN-4820 (3) Biochemical Separations

Lect. and lab. Presents purification methods, mass transfer coefficients, problems specific to biologicals, and scale-up of processes. Also covers chromatography, phase extraction, supercritical fluids, sedimentation, precipitation, electrophoresis, dialysis, affinity techniques, cell separation, application of separations to bioreactors, and comparison of batch and continuous processes. Prereq., senior standing or above in engineering or science. Same as CHEN 5820.

CHEN-4830 (3) Chemical Engineering Biokinetics

Introduces chemical kinetics, chemical reactor design, and biological kinetics. Involves mass and energy balances for steady-state and transient reactor systems. Also covers residence time distribution, mass transfer, catalytic reactions, multiple steady states in reactors, enzyme kinetics, metabolic networks, and cell growth kinetics. Prereqs., CHEN 2810, 3210 and 3320 (all min. grade C-). Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of CHEN 3320 and CHEN 3210 (or MCEN 3022). Restricted to junior/senior CBEN majors, or MS/BS CBEN/CHEN concurrent degree majors.

CHEN-4836 (3) Nanomaterials

Presents fundamental chemical and physical concepts that give rise to the unique optical, electronic and magnetic properties of nanoscale materials. Introduces important synthetic routes for producing nanomaterials, and interparticle forces governing colloidal behavior and self-assembly. Discusses current and potential applications in catalysis, biomedicine, renewable energy, and other fields. Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) or graduate students only. CHEN 4836 and 5836 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior).

CHEN-4838 (1-3) Special Topics in Chemical Engineering

Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).

CHEN-4840 (1-4) Independent Study

Available to seniors with approval of chemical engineering department. Subject arranged to fit needs of student.

CHEN-5090 (1) Seminar in Chemical Engineering

Required of all chemical engineering graduate students. Includes reports on research activities and on special current topics. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEN-5127 (3) Applied Statistics for the Manufacturing and Process Industries

Discusses the concepts and techniques of applied statistics essential to quality control and product/process improvement. Includes computer control (SQC/SPC), sampling methods and time series analysis, and methods of experimental design. Prereq., MCEN 4120. Same as CVEN 5127 and MCEN 5126.

CHEN-5128 (3) Applied Statistics In Research and Development

Students learn current and emerging statistical methods that are appropriate to experimentation in research and development activities. Statistical design of experiments and model fitting is emphasized. Prereq., one introductory probability/statistics course. Same as MCEN 5146.

CHEN-5210 (4) Transport Phenomena

Considers continuum mechanics, emphasizing fundamental relationships for fluid mechanics and heat transfer and their applications to engineering problems. Prereq., senior or graduate standing and undergraduate courses in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and differential equations.

CHEN-5220 (3) Mass Transport

Examines fundamentals of mass transport with particular attention to microscopic balances in complex systems, such as those involving multiple components, chemical reaction, simultaneous heat and mass transport, and/or high mass flux. Prereq., CHEN 5210, undergraduate mass transfer, and familiarity with vector and tensor calculus.

CHEN-5333 (3) Research Methods and Ethics

Prepares graduate students to carry out independent research. Research ethics, laboratory skills, experimental methods, critical thinking, presentations, proposal preparation and career planning are discussed. Independent research project carried out under direction of chemical engineering faculty. Prereq., graduate standing.

CHEN-5343 (1) Research Methods and Ethics Seminar

Prepares graduate students to carry out independent research. Focuses on topics such as safety, ethics, communication skills, data analysis, intellectual property considerations, and time management. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEN-5360 (3) Catalysis and Kinetics

Studies principles of chemical kinetics and catalytic reactions, emphasizing heterogeneous catalysis. Coreq., CHEN 4330, or prereq., CHEM 4551 and instructor consent, or graduate standing in CHEM or CHEN.

CHEN-5370 (3) Intermediate Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Reviews fundamentals of thermodynamics, application to pure fluids and mixtures, and physical equilibrium and changes of state. Examines the equation of state and computation of fluid properties for pure fluids, mixtures, and solutions. Also looks at relations between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Prereq., undergraduate thermodynamics (CHEN 3320 or equivalent). Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEN-5390 (3) Chemical Reactor Engineering

Studies ideal and nonideal chemical reactors, including unsteady state behavior, mixing effects, reactor stability, residence time distribution, and diffusion effects. Prereq., undergraduate course in chemical reactor design/kinetics.

CHEN-5420 (3) Physical Chemistry and Fluid Mechanics of Interfaces

Covers thermodynamics of interfaces and surface tension measurement; adsorption at liquid-gas, liquid-liquid, and solid-gas interfaces; monolayers; conservation equations for a fluid interface; rheology of interfaces; surface tension driven flows; contact angle and wettability; and double layer phenomena. Prereq., CHEN 3200 or equivalent.
