
MUSC-1081 (3) Intensive Music Theory

Introduces tools used in notating, performing, creating, and listening to music. Coreq., MUSC 1121.Open to music majors only. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-1101 (2) Semester 1 Theory

Introduces the fundamentals of diatonic harmony and voice leading, focusing on four-voice writing and analysis of excerpts from music literature. For music majors only. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

PMUS-1105 (1) Keyboard Musicianship 1

Introduces the keyboard, music reading in the treble and bass clefs, basic theory and keyboard harmony, technical patterns, and improvisation. Studies easy classical and pop repertoire. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours. Restricted to music majors with no keyboard experience or instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-1111 (2) Semester 2 Theory

Continuation of MUSC 1101. Covers principles of harmony and voice leading, using all common diatonic triads and seventh chords. Introduces secondary dominants, modulation, contrapuntal chord functions, and elementary structural analysis of excerpts from music literature. Prereq., MUSC 1101. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-1121 (1) Aural Skills Lab, Semester 1

Focuses on sight singing, rhythm, and dictation of diatonic melodies in major and minor keys (treble, alto, and bass clefs). Covers identification of scale types, intervals, triads, and dominant seventh chords. Studies harmonic dictation using chords from MUSC 1101. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-1131 (1) Aural Skills Lab, Semester 2

Acquaints students with sight singing in major and minor keys (treble, alto, tenor, and bass clefs). Includes dictation of one- and two-voice examples. Studies harmonic dictation using vocabulary from MUSC 1111. Considers detection of pitch and rhythm errors in performed examples. Prereq., MUSC 1121. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

PMUS-1184 (1) Voice Class

Involves basic vocal technique and easy solo repertoire taught through a group medium, for beginner and intermediate level students. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Restricted to MUSC majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

PMUS-1205 (1) Keyboard-Musicianship 2

Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-1325 (1) Piano Sight Reading

Studies techniques for improving sight-reading skills at the keyboard, with practical work in solo, ensemble, and choral literature. Also covers score reading and transposition. Restricted to piano majors instructor consent. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-1326 (1) Guitar Musicianship

Activities in sight-reading, fretboard harmony and comprehension of harmony and texture. Some work will be tied to the repertoire being studied in studio lessons. Open only to students with an emphasis on guitar performance in their degree plan. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

PMUS-1515 (2) Jazz Piano Class

Offers small group instruction in the concepts and skills required to learn jazz piano. Students not only learn basic techniques required to play jazz but also become familiar with the theory, grammar, and lexicon of the jazz language. May be repeated up to 4 total credit hours. Prereq., PMUS 1205 or instructor consent required. Offered spring only.

MUSC-1544 (1) Italian Diction

Designed for the understanding of lyric Italian diction, the international phonetic alphabet, and its application to classical singing. Required for freshmen BM voice majors. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-1554 (1) English Diction

Designed for the understanding of lyric English diction, the international phonetic alphabet, and its application to classical singing as well as various musical styles of English classical voice literature. Prereq., MUSC 1544. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Required for Freshmen BM voice majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-1802 (3) Introduction to Musical Styles and Ideas

Introduces the study of music including bibliographic, listening, score reading, critical reading, and writing skills; music terminology; a survey of selected music genres (symphonic and chamber music); and building of general music repertory. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-2071 (2) Instrumentation

Introduces and studies the instruments of the orchestra and problems of scoring for diverse choirs and full orchestra. Prereqs., MUSC 2101 and 2121. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-2081 (2) Prepared for the Soundcheck

Provides an overview of the recording process from the performer's perspective from soundcheck through final mastering. Uses recorded material from in-class sessions. Examines differing approaches to recording as well as current technologies. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-2091 (2) Recording Techniques

Provides hands-on training in various audio recording techniques, acoustics, and sound reinforcement, studio maintenance, and troubleshooting. Real-world experience is gained through individual recording projects and College of Music events. Prereq., MUSC 2081 or instructor consent. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-2101 (2) Semester 3 Theory

Continuation of MUSC 1111. Reviews secondary dominants, secondary leading-tone chords, and modulation. Covers dissonance and chromaticism, including modal mixture, seventh chords with added dissonance, Neapolitan sixth chord, and augmented sixth chords. Provides structural analysis of musical excerpts. Prereq., MUSC 1111. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-2103 (3) Introduction to Music Education

Provides an overview of basic principles and practices of the music education profession. Explores public school music teaching through class discussions, directed observations, and a supervised field experience. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

PMUS-2105 (1) Keyboard-Musicianship 3

Continuation of PMUS 1205. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours. Prereq., PMUS 1205 or instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-2111 (2) Semester 4 Theory

Continuation of MUSC 2101. Focuses on advanced chromaticism including modal mixture, altered dominants, voice leading, and chromatic harmony in larger contexts. Examines impressionism and jazz. Also involves composition projects. Prereq., MUSC 2101. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 2101. Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-2121 (1) Aural Skills Lab, Semester 3

Continuation of MUSC 1131. Studies sight singing of chromatic melodies in major and minor keys (in four clefs). Includes dictation of one- through three-voice examples. Studies harmonic dictation using vocabulary from MUSC 2101. Considers detection of pitch and rhythm performance errors. Prereq., MUSC 1131. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-2131 (1) Aural Skills Lab, Semester 4

Continuation of MUSC 2121. Studies sight singing of chromatic and atonal melodies. Includes dictation of one- through three-voice examples. Identifies sonorities studied in MUSC 2111. Considers detection of pitch and rhythm performance errors. Prereq., MUSC 2121. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

PMUS-2184 (1) Voice Class.

Continuation of Pmus 1184, with more advanced repertoire and vocal techniques. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., Pmus 1184. Restricted to Musc majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.
