
MUSC-1081 (3) Intensive Music Theory

Introduces tools used in notating, performing, creating, and listening to music. Coreq., MUSC 1121.Open to music majors only. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-1101 (2) Semester 1 Theory

Introduces the fundamentals of diatonic harmony and voice leading, focusing on four-voice writing and analysis of excerpts from music literature. For music majors only. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-1111 (2) Semester 2 Theory

Continuation of MUSC 1101. Covers principles of harmony and voice leading, using all common diatonic triads and seventh chords. Introduces secondary dominants, modulation, contrapuntal chord functions, and elementary structural analysis of excerpts from music literature. Prereq., MUSC 1101. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-1121 (1) Aural Skills Lab, Semester 1

Focuses on sight singing, rhythm, and dictation of diatonic melodies in major and minor keys (treble, alto, and bass clefs). Covers identification of scale types, intervals, triads, and dominant seventh chords. Studies harmonic dictation using chords from MUSC 1101. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-1131 (1) Aural Skills Lab, Semester 2

Acquaints students with sight singing in major and minor keys (treble, alto, tenor, and bass clefs). Includes dictation of one- and two-voice examples. Studies harmonic dictation using vocabulary from MUSC 1111. Considers detection of pitch and rhythm errors in performed examples. Prereq., MUSC 1121. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-2071 (2) Instrumentation

Introduces and studies the instruments of the orchestra and problems of scoring for diverse choirs and full orchestra. Prereqs., MUSC 2101 and 2121. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-2081 (2) Prepared for the Soundcheck

Provides an overview of the recording process from the performer's perspective from soundcheck through final mastering. Uses recorded material from in-class sessions. Examines differing approaches to recording as well as current technologies. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-2091 (2) Recording Techniques

Provides hands-on training in various audio recording techniques, acoustics, and sound reinforcement, studio maintenance, and troubleshooting. Real-world experience is gained through individual recording projects and College of Music events. Prereq., MUSC 2081 or instructor consent. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-2101 (2) Semester 3 Theory

Continuation of MUSC 1111. Reviews secondary dominants, secondary leading-tone chords, and modulation. Covers dissonance and chromaticism, including modal mixture, seventh chords with added dissonance, Neapolitan sixth chord, and augmented sixth chords. Provides structural analysis of musical excerpts. Prereq., MUSC 1111. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-2111 (2) Semester 4 Theory

Continuation of MUSC 2101. Focuses on advanced chromaticism including modal mixture, altered dominants, voice leading, and chromatic harmony in larger contexts. Examines impressionism and jazz. Also involves composition projects. Prereq., MUSC 2101. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 2101. Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-2121 (1) Aural Skills Lab, Semester 3

Continuation of MUSC 1131. Studies sight singing of chromatic melodies in major and minor keys (in four clefs). Includes dictation of one- through three-voice examples. Studies harmonic dictation using vocabulary from MUSC 2101. Considers detection of pitch and rhythm performance errors. Prereq., MUSC 1131. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Music majors or graduate students only.

MUSC-2131 (1) Aural Skills Lab, Semester 4

Continuation of MUSC 2121. Studies sight singing of chromatic and atonal melodies. Includes dictation of one- through three-voice examples. Identifies sonorities studied in MUSC 2111. Considers detection of pitch and rhythm performance errors. Prereq., MUSC 2121. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-3051 (2) Beginning Composition

For noncomposition majors. Introduction to the craft of musical composition with analysis and writing in various styles. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-3061 (2) Jazz Improvisation I

Develops skills in jazz improvisation through practical application of chord/scale relationship, transcription, repertoire, and analysis. Open to all instruments. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-3071 (2) Jazz Improvisation II

Continues and expands upon the material presented in MUSC 3061. Reinforcement of ability to create an improvised melody in a range of harmonic contexts including blues, bebop, modal jazz, free jazz, and other styles. Prereq., MUSC 3061 or instructor consent. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-3081 (3) Jazz Theory and Aural Foundations

Presents the grammar and syntax of jazz. Acquaints the student with the language of jazz improvisation and various jazz styles. The musician's most valuable tool---the ear---is developed through an in-depth analytical study of jazz masters through harmonicdictation/identification. Prereq., MUSC 2101. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-4001 (2) New Musical Styles and Practices

Studies the style of Palestrina and his contemporaries through analysis, species counterpoint exercises, and composing in the style. Prereqs., MUSC 2111 and 2131. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered every other year. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-4011 (2) 16th Century Counterpoint

Studies the style of Palestrina and his contemporaries through analysis, species counterpoint exercises, and composing in the style. Prereqs., Musc 2111 and 2131. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered fall of even-numbered years. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-4021 (2) 18th Century Counterpoint

Provides a stylistic study of main contrapuntal genres of the period including invention, suite, and fugue. Provides a foundation in species counterpoint; stresses analysis and composing in the style. Prereqs., MUSC 2111 and 2131. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered spring of even-numbered years. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-4031 (2) Jazz Arranging 1

Study of notation, score layout, transpositions, basic harmonic and melodic analysis, basic chord voicings, and composition for a small and large jazz ensemble. Use of notation software such as Finale or Sibelius. Prereqs., MUSC 2111 and 2131. Recommended prereq., MUSC 3081. Offered fall of odd-numbered years. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-4041 (2) Orchestration

Studies advanced orchestration techniques through score analysis and student projects. Prereq., MUSC 2071 or instructor consent. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-4061 (2) Tonal Analysis

Surveys tonal analytical techniques and forms of tonal music, including binary forms, sonata forms, ternary forms, rondo (and others) through study of selected works from the 18th and 19th centuries. Prereqs., MUSC 2111 and 2131. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-4071 (2) Post-Tonal Theory and Analysis

Focus on theory and analysis of post-tonal literature pre-1945. Prereqs., MUSC 2111 and 2131. Offered every other fall. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-4081 (3) Introduction to Music Technology

Topics include basic synthesis, musical instrument digital interface (MIDI) sequencing, and music notation by computer. Offered fall and spring. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.

MUSC-4091 (2) Jazz Arranging 2

Continuation and expansion of studies in MUSC 4031. Survey and analysis of major composers and arrangers of the idiom. Course focuses on creating several arranging projects for a large jazz ensemble. Prereq., MUSC 4031. Recommended prereq., MUSC 3081. Restricted to College of Music majors only. Offered fall of even-numbered years. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.
