
JOUR-1001 (3) Contemporary Media Analysis

An introduction to the role of media in contemporary society, focusing on the cultural, political, economic, and historical context within which print and media technologies developed and how audiences interact with and influence the use of media. Restricted to Journalism & Mass Communication (JOUR) or Arts and Sciences Open Option majors (XXAS) majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Journalism and Mass Communication (JOUR) or Arts and Sciences Open Option majors (XXAS) majors only.

JOUR-1871 (1-3) Special Topics for First-Year Students

Special studies in media that are specific for first-year students. May be repeated for a maximum of three credit hours.

JOUR-2011 (3) Media and Public Culture

Introduces the rise and development of mediated communication and its impact on and role within the formation of modern culture and public life. Restricted to JOUR majors.

JOUR-2403 (3) Principles of Advertising and Consumer Culture

Explores creative and strategic thinking plus the nature and functions of promotions, event-marketing, public relations, and advertising and their growing interdependence in a changing media landscape. Considers technology's impact and the effect of commercial culture on an increasingly diverse society. Restricted to School of Journalism and Mass Communication (JOUR) or Marketing (MKTG) majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to School of Journalism and Mass Communication (JOUR) or Marketing (MKTG) majors only.

JOUR-2601 (3) Principles of Journalism and Networked Communication

Surveys the history, practices and responsibilities of journalism in a democracy. Examines ethics, best practices in institutional and network settings, reporting and writing, international news systems, personal branding, and strategies for creating and distributing content across media platforms. Promotes the highest professional values and encourages students to be leaders who recognize the possibilities of journalism in a democratic society. Restricted to Journalism and Mass Communication (JOUR) majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Journalism and Mass Communication (JOUR) majors only.

JOUR-3001 (3) Public Affairs Reporting

Grounds students in the basic newsgathering skills needed to work for news enterprises. Students learn techniques central to researching, reporting and writing stories for various media formats, including print, online, and broadcast journalism. Prerq., JOUR 2601 or 1002. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of JOUR 2601 or 1002. Restricted to News Editorial (NSED-BSJR or JNED-BSJR) majors and with a minumum of 57 hours taken.

JOUR-3002 (3) Multimedia Reporting and Production

Equips students with the tools and techniques needed to produce multimedia content. Classroom instruction offers students historical, social and cultural contexts for the emergence of new media forms. Skills and practices covered include website design and construction, nonlinear video editing, digital graphics design, interactive information presentation, and multimedia reporting. Restricted to juniors/seniors. May be limited to JOUR majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).

JOUR-3102 (3) Photojournalism I

Introduces the basic elements of visual communication. Covers the use of camera systems, digital imaging techniques and other aspects of photojournalism including law, ethics, history and critical decision-making. Prereq., JOUR 2601. Prerequisites: Restricted to School of Journalism and Mass Communication with a minimum of 57 hours taken.

JOUR-3403 (3) Branding and Positioning

Examines the theory and practice of branding, target segmentation and how the digital space and the rapid rise of consumer generated content have impacted brand management. Students analyze audience research, and the competitive set to develop brand positions and benefits. Prereq., JOUR 2403. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of JOUR 2403. Restricted to Advertising (ADVT-BSJR or JADV-BSJR) or Marketing (MKTG) majors only with a minimum of 45 hours taken.

JOUR-3453 (3) Introduction to Creative Concepts

Provides an opportunity to explore approaches to creative problem solving and visual thinking. Students draw on this theoretical foundation to develop advertising ideas in a variety of media for both commercial clients and non-profit organizations. Prereq., JOUR 2403. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of JOUR 2403. Restricted to Advertising (ADVT-BSJR or JADV-BSJR) or Marketing (MKTG) majors only with a minimum of 45 hours taken.

JOUR-3463 (3) Advertising Media

Studies media, markets, and audiences, and their relationships to advertising messages. Prereqs., JOUR 3403 and 3453. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of JOUR 3403 and 3453. Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Advertising (ADVT-BSJR or JADV-BSJR) or Marketing (MKTG) majors only.

JOUR-3473 (3) Advertising Research

Introduces students to applied research methods and provides practice in using research in marketing and advertising decision making. Prereqs., JOUR 3403 and 3453. Restricted to junior/senior JOUR, MKTG and ADVT majors.

JOUR-3503 (3) Intermediate Creative Concepts

Explores both strategic and creative thinking and examines approaches to narrative storytelling as a tool for telling overarching brand stories. Students use the foundation to develop creative briefs and advertising campaigns. Prereqs., JOUR 3403, 3453 and instructor consent. Coreq., JOUR 4513. Prerequisites: Prereq., JOUR 3453 and instructor consent. Coreq., JOUR 4513.

JOUR-3552 (3) Editing and Presentation

Explores copy editing, graphic principles and processes, new media technology. Prereq., JOUR 3001. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of JOUR 3001. Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) News Editorial (NSED-BSJR or JNED-BSJR) majors only.

JOUR-3604 (3) Radio and Television News

Covers principles and techniques involved in the preparation of news for broadcasting. Prereq., JOUR 2601. Restricted to Broadcast News or Broadcast Production majors only with a minimum of 57 hours taken. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of JOUR 2601. Restricted to Broadcast News (BCNS-BSJR or JBCN-BSJR) or Broadcast Production (BCPM-BSJR or JBCP-BSJR) majors only with a minimum of 57 hours taken.

JOUR-3614 (3) Principles of Audio Production

Introduces audio production techniques using digital technologies. Students learn to apply fundamental principles to create professional radio and online programs including podcasting. Restricted to Journalism majors with a minimum of 45 hours taken. Prerequisites: Restricted to School of Journalism and Mass Communication majors with a minimum of 45 hours taken.

JOUR-3644 (3) Principles of Television Production

Emphasizes the use of video technologies in both field and studio production, camera and editing work, producing and directing for professional program production. Prereq., JOUR 2601.Restricted to Broadcast News or Broadcast Production majors only with a minimum of 57 hours taken. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of JOUR 2601. Restricted to Broadcast News (BCNS-BSJR or JBCN-BSJR) or Broadcast Production (BCPM-BSJR or JBCP-BSJR) majors only with a minimum of 57 hours taken.

JOUR-3674 (3) Television Production 2

Covers studio productions for "Newsteam Boulder." Students also do field projects to sharpen their writing, video production, and editing skills. Prereq., JOUR 3644. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of JOUR 3644. Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Broadcast News (BCNS-BSJR or JBCN-BSJR) or Broadcast Production (BCPM-BSJR or JBCP-BSJR) majors only.

JOUR-3771 (3) Media and Communication History

Examines the historical development of various communication technologies (printing press, photography, film, radio, television, computers, Internet); their impact on culture (forms of expression and social relationships); and their relation to various conceptions of the public (citizens, audiences, consumers, markets). Draws on history to explore current issues in media, popular culture and their relation to public life. Prereq., junior or senior standing. May be limited to majors.

JOUR-3902 (1-3) Newspaper Practicum

Gives students the opportunity to participate in newswork on Campus Press. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Instructor consent required.

JOUR-3913 (1-3) Advertising Practicum

Provides the opportunity to do advertising work outside existing classes. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Instructor consent required.

JOUR-4002 (3) Reporting 2

Assumes mastery of basic reporting and writing skills. Students produce more sophisticated stories on a variety of topics. Prereq., JOUR 3001. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of JOUR 3001. Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) News Editorial (NSED-BSJR or JNED-BSJR) or Journalism and Mass Communication (JOUR) majors only.

JOUR-4102 (3) Photojournalism Portfolio

Advanced course intended to give students a forum in which technical skills will be brought to professional standards. Build a polished portfolio of work to present to editors and buyers. Prereq., JOUR 3102. Prerequisites: Requires a prerequisite course of JOUR 3102.

JOUR-4201 (3) Media, Culture and Globalization

Surveys the political and economic structures of media system in developed and developing countries and discusses the impact of privatization, ownership consolidation, and globalization on the flow of information across national borders. Also looks at how global media flows and counter-flows affect conceptions of nationhood and cultural identity. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Journalism & Mass Communication (JOUR) or International Affairs (IAFS) majors only.

JOUR-4211 (3) East Asian Media and Culture

Offers an understanding of the various people, cultures and nations of East Asia through their media systems. Provides a critical overview of the historical, cultural, social, political and economic dimensions of East Asian communication systems in today's digitally connected/disconnected world. Restricted to junior/senior SJMC majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) School of Journalism & Mass Communication majors only.
