
GEEN-1100 (3) Social Impact of Technology

Introduces undergraduate students to the social impact of technology and how technology impacts all aspectsof life, the health of planet Earth, and how people interact with each other. Fulfills Engineering social science requirements. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 (Freshmen or Sophomore) College of Engineering majors only.

EHON-1151 (3) Critical Encounters

Explores critical, literary and philosophical approaches to the following related problems: 1) how we organize knowledge and construct meaning, and 2) how we locate a sense of self as both individuals and members of various groups amidst the resources and demands of competing interpretations, traditions challenges and circumstances. Prereq., honors standing or instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

GEEN-1235 (4) Pre-Calculus for Engineers

Prepares students for the challenging content and pace of the calculus sequence required for all engineering majors. The course covers algebra, trigonometry and selected topics in analytical geometry. It prepares students for the calculus courses offered for engineering students. It requires students to engage in rigorous work sessions as they review topics that they must be comfortable with to pursue engineering course work. The course is structured to accustom students to the pace and culture of learning encountered in engineering math courses.

GEEN-1300 (3) Introduction to Engineering Computing

Introduces the use of computers in engineering problem solving, including elementary numerical methods. Teaches programming fundamentals, including data and algorithm structure, and modular programming. Software vehicles include Excel/Vba and Matlab. Coreq., APPM 1350 or equivalent. Restricted to ENGR majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

GEEN-1350 (1) Calculus 1 Work Group

Provides problem-solving assistance to students enrolled in APPM 1350. Student groups work in collaborative learning environment. Student participation is essential. Grading under pass/fail option only. Coreq., APPM 1350.

GEEN-1360 (1) Calculus 2 Work Group

Provides problem solving assistance for students enrolled in APPM 1360. Conducted in a collaborative learning environment. Student work groups solve calculus problems with assistance of facilitator. Grading under pass/fail option only. Prereq., APPM 1350. Coreq., APPM 1360.

GEEN-1400 (3) Engineering Projects

First-year engineering students work to solve real engineering design problems in interdisciplinary teams. Completed projects are exhibited at an end-of-semester design expo. In lieu of a textbook (available online), each student is expected to contribute up to $75 towards their design project and poster, and purchase his/her own pair of safety glasses. Restricted to Engineering majors with 75 or fewer cumulative hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors with 75 or less cumulative hours.

GEEN-1410 (3) Social Innovation and Design for Sustainable Communities

Learn to apply principles of sustainability to designs. Student teams design solutions to real-world problems, integrating scientific and social science perspectives. Emphasis is on the social, economic, cultural, and political context shaping the effectiveness of technical solutions. Restricted to students in the Williams Village North RAPs. Prerequisites: Restricted to Sustainable by Design Residential Academic Program (PSBD) or SEEDS Residential Academic Program (PSEE) students only.

EHON-1500 (1) Honors Reading Group

Faculty led reading seminars, focusing on specific test or texts chosen by the faculty. Special attention will be paid to group formation and the process of collaborative learning. Restricted to Engineering Honors Program (PHEN) students only or instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Engineering Honors Program (PEHN) students only.

GEEN-1500 (2) Introduction to Engineering

Provides an introduction to the engineering profession, to include a focus on the engineering grand challenges of the future, professional and ethical expectations, and an examination of current disciplines specializations. Provides sufficient knowledge of the engineering disciplines necessary to make an informed major choice. Restricted to Engineering Majors with 75 or less cumulative hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors with 75 or less cumulative hours.

GEEN-1510 (1) Self Management and Leadership Principles 1

Develops group cohesiveness, mutual support, multicultural awareness, and leadership skills. Topics include collaborative learning, motivation, time management and study skills, personal assertiveness, and career awareness. Open to new freshmen and transfer students. Controlled enrollment. Fulfills one credit hour of the Engineering social science requirement. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

GEEN-1520 (1) Self Management and Leadership Principles 2

Continuation of GEEN 1510. Controlled enrollment. Prereq., GEEN 1510. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

GEEN-1550 (1) YOU'RE@CU: Undergraduate Career Seminar

Exposes first or second year undergraduate students to engineering research careers through a partner program (YOU'RE@CU), panel discussions with researchers in academics and industry, and exposure to research labs. Restricted to YOU'RE@CU participants. Restricted enrollment; offered pass/fail only.

GEEN-2050 (3) Engineering Leadership Gateway

Examines concepts of engineering leadership and the essential skills required to become an effective leader. Together students will explore leadership principles, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal skills (e.g. collaboration, conflict resolution, leading in diverse communities), intrapersonal development (e.g. self-appraisal, reflective practice, personal leadership philosophy), organizational competencies (e.g. planning, sustainability, climate), effective communication and ethical decision-making. Instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

GEEN-2350 (1) Calculus 3 Work Group

Provides problem solving assistance to students enrolled in APPM 2350. This course is conducted in a collaborative learning environment. Student work groups solve calculus problems with the assistance of a facilitator. Grading only under pass/fail option. Prereq., APPM 1360. Coreq., APPM 2350.

GEEN-3400 (3) Invention and Innovation

Introduction to invention and product innovation with a hands-on approach. Students explore the invention process, hone their engineering design skills, and explore entrepreneurship (patenting, intellectual property, marketing, raising capital). Student teams design, create, and test a potentially commercial product, and exhibit at an end-of-semester design expo. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) College of Engineering students only.

GEEN-3851 (3) Statics for Engineers

Examines vector treatment of force systems and their resultants; equilibrium of frames and machines, including internal forces and three-dimensional configurations; static friction; properties of surfaces, including first and second moments; hydrostatics; and minimum potential energy and stability. Prereq., PHYS 1110. Recommended coreq., APPM 2350. Same as CVEN 2121.

GEEN-3852 (3) Thermodynamics for Engineers

Explores fundamental concepts and basic theory, including first and second laws of thermodynamics, properties, states, thermodynamic functions and cycles. Prereq., APPM 2350. Same as MCEN 3012.

GEEN-3853 (3) Fluid Mechanics for Engineers

Introduces fluid mechanics and momentum transfer, emphasizing the application of these principles to engineering systems. Prereqs., APPM 2350 or 2360, and GEEN 1300 or CSCI 1300. Same as CHEN 3200.

GEEN-3930 (6) Engineering Co-op

Students enrolled in this course participate in a previously arranged, department-sponsored cooperative education program with a university, government agency, or industry. This course is offered only through Continuing Education and may be repeated up to 24 credit hours (four co-op terms). GPA higher than 2.75 is required. GPA higher than 3.00 is strongly recommended.

EHON-4051 (1) Dimensions of Leadership

Explores the many dimensions of leadership that exceed technical knowledge: the ethical, societal, cultural, interpersonal, and personal. Through seminars, workshops and exposure to leaders, students will reflect upon their engineering education in light of the multifaceted demands of effective leadership and their own personal career goals. Students will take an active role in shaping the course. Prereq., junior standing; honors standing or instructor consent. Repeatable for credit up to 3 credit hours.

GEEN-4830 (3) Special Topics

May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Restricted to engineering students.