
ECEN-4167 (3) Energy Conversion 2

Studies the derivation of the dynamic equations of motion of electromechanical systems, linear and rotary motion machines based on variational principles and basic force laws. Looks at equivalent circuits in abc and dqo coordinates for Ac and Dc machines. Discusses conditions under which an electromagnetic torque can be produced. Applies theory to the most important modes of steady-state and transient operation of electrical energy converters. Prereq., ECEN 3170.

ECEN-4517 (3) Power Electronics and Photovoltaic Power Systems Laboratory

Focuses on analysis, modeling, design, and testing of electrical energy processing systems in a practical laboratory setting. Studies power electronics converters for efficient utilization of available energy sources, including solar panels and utility. The experimental projects involve design, fabrication, and testing of a solar power system. Prereq., ECEN 4797. Restricted to seniors. Same as ECEN 5517.

ECEN-4797 (3) Introduction to Power Electronics

An introduction to switched-mode converters. Includes steady-state converter modeling and analysis, switch realization, discontinuous conduction mode, and transformer-isolated converters. Ac modeling of converters using averaged methods, small-signal transfer functions, feedback loop design, and transformer design. Prereq., ECEN 3250. Same as ECEN 5797. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) College of Engineering students only.

ECEN-4827 (3) Analog IC Design

Covers the fundamentals of transistor-level analog integrated circuit design. Starting with motivations from application circuits, the course developes principles of dc biasing, device models, amplifier stages, frequency response analysis and feedback and compensation techniques for multi-stage operational amplifiers. Prereq., ECEN 3250. Same as ECEN 5827. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

ECEN-5787 (3) Power Quality Phenomena Power Systems

Single-time and periodic disturbances of power systems and their causes and effects on sensitive (electronic) end-use devices and power system components are studied and modeled. Measurement techniques of the impact of such disturbances (power quality phenomena) on devices as well as prevention and mitigating techniques are addressed. Prereq., ECEN 3170.

ECEN-5797 (3) Introduction to Power Electronics

Same as ECEN 4797. Prerequisites: Restriced to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5807 (3) Modeling and Control of Power Electronic Systems

Studies modeling and control topics in power electronics. Averaged switch modeling of converters, computer simulation, ac modeling of the discontinuous conduction mode, the current programmed mode, nulldouble injection techniques in linear circuits, input filter design, and low-harmonic rectifiers. Prereq., ECEN 5797.

ECEN-5817 (3) Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics

Covers resonant coverters and inverters, and soft switching; sinusoidal approximations in analysis of series, parallel, Lcc, and other resonant dc-dc and dc-ac converters; state-plane analysis of resonant circuits; switching transitions in hand-switched and soft-switched Pwm converters; zero-voltage switching techniques, including resonant, quasi resonant, aero voltage transition, and auxiliary switch circuits. Prereq., ECEN 5797 or instructor consent required.

ECEN-5827 (3) Analog IC Design

Same as ECEN 4827. Prerequisites: Restriced to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5837 (3) Mixed-Signal IC Design Lab

Software laboratory course extends the concepts developed in ECEN 4827 to full design and layout of mixed analog and digital custom integrated circuits. Assignments explore implementation of analog to digital and digital to analog converters, and final project developes a full custom IC for a target application. Prereq., ECEN 5827.