
ECEN-4106 (3) Photonics

Deals with the generation, transmission, modification and detection of light. Applications include fiber optics communications, data storage, sensing, and imaging. Leads to understanding of fundamental physical principles used in the analysis and design of modern photonic systems. Prereqs., ECEN 3400. Coreq., ECEN 3300. Restricted to seniors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior).

ECEN-4116 (3) Introduction to Optical Communications

Given data rates, distance, reliability or bit error rates, the information required to specify the type of fiber, the source, the wave length, type of modulation, repeater or optical amplifiers, and detectors will be presented. Prereq., ECEN 3400 or equivalent. Same as TLEN 5480.

ECEN-4606 (3) Undergraduate Optics Laboratory

Introduces fundamental concepts, techniques, and technology of modern optical and photonic systems. Individual labs cover particular fields of optical technology, including light sources such as lasers and Leds, interferometers, fiber-optic communications, photodetection, spectrometers, and holography. Practical skills such as how to align an optical system will also be emphasized. Prereq. ECEN 3400. Coreq. ECEN 4106 or equivalent. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) College of Engineering students only.

ECEN-4616 (3) Optoelectronic System Design

Examines optical components and electro-optic devices with the goal of integrating into well design optoelectronic systems. Sample systems include optical storage, zoom lenses, and telescopes. Prereq. ECEN 3400.

ECEN-5156 (3) Physical Optics

Covers the application of Maxwell's equations to optical wave propagation in free space and in media.Topics include polarization, dispersion, geometrical optics, interference, partial coherence, and diffraction. Prereq. ECEN 3410.

ECEN-5166 (3) Guided Wave Optics

Builds up the concepts necessary to understand guided wave optical systems. Topics include slab wave-guides, semiconductor lasers, fiber optics, and integrated optics. Prereqs., ECEN 4645 or 5645, and ECEN 5156.

ECEN-5606 (3) Optics Laboratory

Provides advanced training in experimental optics. Consists of optics experiments that introduce the techniques and devices essential to modern optics, including characterization of sources, photodetectors, modulators, use of interferometers, spectrometers,and holograms, and experimentation of fiber optics and Fourier optics. Prereq., undergraduate optics course such as PHYS 4510. Same as PHYS 5606.

ECEN-5616 (3) Optoelectric System Design

Same as ECEN 4616. Prerequisites: Restriced to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5626 (3) Active Optical Devices

Analysis of active optical devices such as semiconductor laser, detector and flat panel display by clearly defining and interconnecting the fundamental physical mechanism, device design and operating principles and device performance. Recommended prereq., ECEN 5355.

ECEN-5696 (3) Fourier Optics

Introduces a system level approach to the analysis and design of optical systems. Topics include holography, Fourier transform properties of lenses, two-dimensional convolution and correlation functions, spatial filtering, and optical computing techniques. Also covers coherent and incoherent imaging techniques, tomography, and synthetic aperture imaging. Prereqs., ECEN 3300 and 3410, or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restriced to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.