
ECEN-4242 (3) Communication Theory

Covers modern digital and analog communication systems, Fourier analysis of signals and systems, signal transmission, amplitude modulation, angle modulation, digital communication systems, and behavior of communication systems in the presenceof noise, including both analog and digital systems. Prereqs., ECEN 3300 and ECEN 3810 or equivalent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

ECEN-4532 (3) Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

Develops experience in code development, debugging, and testing of real-time digital signal processing algorithms using dedicated hardware. Applications include filtering, signal synthesis, audio special effects, and frequency domain techniques based on the Fast Fourier Transform. Prereq., ECEN 3300. Coreq., ECEN 4632. Same as ECEN 5532.

ECEN-4593 (3) Computer Organization

Studies computer design at the gate level. Discusses instruction set architecture design, arithmetic and logic unit design, control logic, memory design and caches, simple pipelining, I/O, and peripheral devices. Briefly covers aspects of modern computer architecture, such as multicore processors and cache coherence for these. Prereq., ECEN 2350, and ECEN 3350 or CSCI 2400. Same as CSCI 4593. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

ECEN-4632 (3) Introduction to Digital Filtering

Covers both the analysis and design of FIR and IIR digital filters. Discusses implementations in both software and hardware. Emphasizes use of the FFT as an analysis tool. Includes examples in speech processing, noise canceling, and communications. Prereq., ECEN 3300. Restricted to seniors.

ECEN-4652 (3) Communication Laboratory

Involves laboratory experiments demonstrating material taught in ECEN 4242. Uses spectrum analysis to study baseband signals and signal processors. Topics include noise, AM, FM, PM, sampling, quantizing/encoding, TDM, FDM, equalizers, and a complete communication system. Prereq. or coreq., ECEN 4242. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) College of Engineering majors only.

ECEN-5612 (3) Noise and Random Processes

Reviews probability theory, convergence and probability bounds, multivariable normal theory, sequences of random variables and stochastic processes, Bernoulli and Poisson processes, wide-sense stationary processes, and correlation functions and power spectra. Also includes linear systems with random inputs and Gauss-Markov processes, first- and second-order properties of Arma processes, and Markov chains. Prereqs., ECEN 3300 and 3810 or MATH 4510. Prerequisites: Restriced to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5622 (3) Information Theory and Coding

Entropy rates of information sources, fundamental limits of data compression, Huffman and arithmetic codes; mutual information, fundamental limits of information transmission over noisy communication channels with/without feedback. Selected topics in information storage, lossy data compression, and network information theory. Prereqs., ECEN 3810 or equivalent, or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restriced to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5632 (3) Theory and Application of Digital Filtering

Digital signal processing and its applications are of interest to a wide variety of scientists and engineers. The course covers such topics as characterization of linear discrete-time circuits by unit pulse response, transfer functions, and difference equations, use of z-transforms and Fourier analysis, discrete Fourier transform and fast algorithms (FFT), design of finite and infinite impulse response filters, frequency transformations, study of optimized filters for deterministic signals. Prerequisites: Restriced to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5652 (3) Detection and Extraction of Signals from Noise

Introduces detection, estimation, and time series analysis. Topics include hypothesis testing, detection of known form and random signals, least squares parameter estimation, maximum likelihood theory, minimum mean-squared error estimation, Kalman-Wiener filtering, prediction in stationary time series, and modal analysis. Applications include studies incommunications, control, and experimental modeling. Prereq., ECEN 5612.

ECEN-5672 (3) Digital Image Processing

Course objective is to present the fundamental techniques available for image representation and compression (e.g., wavelets), filtering (e.g., Wiener and nonlinear filter), and segmentation (e.g., anisotropic diffusion). Prereq., ECEN 5632 or instructor consent.

ECEN-5682 (3) Theory and Practice of Error Control Codes

Block and convolutional codes for reliable transmission of digital data over unreliable noisy channels. Algebraic and dsp characterizations of cyclic codes such as Bch/Rs codes. Decoding algorithms for block codes and the Viterbi algorithm. Graph codes and iterative decoding. Prereq., ECEN 3300.

ECEN-5692 (3) Principles of Digital Communication

Techniques for efficient and reliable transmission of information over bandwidth and power constrained communication channels; digital modulation methods, power spectral density calculations, optimum receiver principles, error rate analysis, channel coding potential in wired/wireless media, trellis coded modulation, and equalization. Prereqs., ECEN 3300 and 5612 or equivalents. Recommended prereqs., ECEN 5622 and 5632.