
CVEN-3313 (3) Theoretical Fluid Mechanics

Basic principles of fluid mechanic. Covers fluid properties, hydrostatics, fluid flow concepts, including continuity, energy, momentum, dimensional analysis and similitude, and flow in closed conduits. Prereq., CVEN 2121. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of CVEN 2121 (or GEEN 3851, or ASEN 2001, or MCEN 2023).

CVEN-3323 (3) Hydraulic Engineering

Studies hydraulic engineering theory and applications. Topics include incompressible flow in conduits, pipe system analysis and design, open channel flow, flow measurement, analysis and design of hydraulic machinery. Prereq., CVEN 3313 (or MCEN 3021, or GEEN 3853, or AREN 2120). Restricted to Civil, Environmental, or Architectural Engineering majors only. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of CVEN 3313 (or MCEN 3021, or GEEN 3853, or AREN 2120). Restricted to Civil, Environmental, or Architectural Engineering majors only.

CVEN-4323 (3) Water Resource Engineering Design

Design of urban water supply, wastewater, and supply stormwater management system, with demand management as an option. Exploration of the feasibility of recycling and reuse of treated wastewater and stormwater. Prereqs., CVEN 3227 and 4147. Same as CVEN 5423.

CVEN-4333 (3) Engineering Hydrology

Studies engineering applications of principles of hydrology, including hydrologic cycle, rainfall and runoff, groundwater, storm frequency and duration studies, stream hydrography, flood frequency, and flood routing. Prereqs., CVEN 3227 and 3323.

CVEN-4353 (3) Groundwater Engineering

Studies the occurrence, movement, extraction for use,and quantity and quality aspects of groundwater. Introduces and uses basic concepts to solve engineering and geohydrologic problems. Prereq., Cven 3313. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

CVEN-4383 (3) Groundwater Modeling

Studies mathematical and numerical techniques needed to develop models to solve problems in water flow and chemical transport in aquifers. Emphasizes the learning of modeling techniques from fundamentals and the application of models to solve problems in groundwater engineering. Recommended prereq., CVEN 4353. Same as CVEN 5383.

CVEN-5313 (3) Environmental Fluid Mechanics

Analysis of viscous incompressible flows, with first-principle solutions for environmental fluid flows in oceans, rivers, lakes and the atmosphere. Topics include the Navier-Stokes equations, kinematics, vorticity dynamics, geophysical fluid dynamics, and density stratification. Prereqs., APPM 2350, 2360, CVEN 3313, or equivalents. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CVEN-5333 (3) Multiscale Hydrology

Observations show that peak flows in rainfall-runoff events, and the quantities of annual peak flows, have a power-law dependence on basin area. Physical basis of power laws in peak flows will be explained from mass and momentum conservation equations governing stream flows in self-similar channel networks. Potential engineering applications to predicting floods under a changing climate will be covered. Prereqs., CVEN 4333, 5454 and 5537. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CVEN-5343 (3) Transport and Dispersion in Surface Water

Studies transport and dispersion of introduced contaminants in turbulent surface water flows. Emphasizes developing a physical understanding of fluid processes responsible for turbulent dispersion. Includes analytical development, numerical modeling, and experimental approaches to the problem.

CVEN-5353 (3) Groundwater Hydrology

Studies the occurrence, movement, extraction for use, and quantity and quality aspects of groundwater. Introduces and uses basic concepts to solve engineering and geohydrologic problems. Prereqs., CVEN 3313 and APPM 2360, or equivalent, or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CVEN-5363 (3) Modeling of Hydrologic Systems

Introduces students to the techniques used in modeling various processes in the hydrologic cycle. Helps students develop numeric models and computer programs for use in conjunction with existing simulation modes such as HEC1 and HEC2 in a design project. Prereqs., CVEN 3313 and instructor consent.

CVEN-5373 (3) Water Law, Policy, and Institutions

Discusses contemporary issues in water management based on legal doctrine. Identifies legal issues in water resources problems and discusses in close relationship with technical, economic, and political considerations. Prereq., senior or graduate standing.

CVEN-5383 (3) Applied Groundwater Modeling

Studies mathematical and numerical techniques needed to develop models to solve problems in water flow and chemical transport in the saturated and unsaturated zones of aquifers. Not only emphasizes the learning of modeling techniques from fundamentals, but also the application of models and modeling methods to solve problems in groundwater engineering, geo-environmental engineering, hazardous waste management, aquifer remediation design, and aquifer clean-up. Prereqs., CVEN 5353, 5454, or equivalent, and APPM 2360 or equivalent. Same as CVEN 4383.

CVEN-5393 (3) Water Resources Development and Management

Explores the principles governing water resources planning and development. Emphasizes the sciences of water (physical, engineering, chemical, biological,and social) and their interrelationships. Prereq.,senior or graduate standing. Same as ECON 6555.

CVEN-6323 (3) Urban Stormwater Infrastructure Systems

Evaluation and design of more sustainable urban stormwater infrastructure systems including street inlets, on-line and off-line surface storage and infiltration systems. Integrated design for major, minor, and micro storms to provide flood control and drainage as well as control of pollution from stormwater runoff. Simulation and optimization models will be used.

CVEN-6333 (3) Introduction to Multi-Scale Variability and Scaling in Hydrology

Provides a foundational physical understanding of channel networks, runoff, precipitation, and evapotranspiration at multiple spatial scales of drainage basins using modern analytical concepts for understanding non-linear phenomena, e.g., fractals, multifractals, statistical scaling, criticality, and renormalization. Prereq., CVEN 3313, 5333, 5454, and an upper-division course in probability, or equivalents.

CVEN-6383 (3) Flow and Transport through Porous Media

Studies basic physics of flow and transport of water, air, and other fluid mixtures through a porous medium. Course topics are relevant to applications in contaminant hydrology, contaminant transport in aquifers, hazardous waste management, geohydrology, soil physics, and geoenvironmental engineering.

CVEN-6393 (1) Hydrologic Sciences and Water Resources Engineering Seminar

Provides a broad introduction to a variety of research topics from hydrologic sciences and water resources engineering. Offered as a one-hour weekly seminar by the departmental water faculty, graduate students,and external speakers. Restricted to graduate students in engineering. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate student Civil Engineering (CVEN) students only.