
CVEN-2121 (3) Analytical Mechanics 1

Covers forces acting on rigid bodies at rest. Equilibrium is the central concept that will be applied repeatedly to different situations. In each case, the object of interest will be isolated along with all the forces acting on it; a free body diagram. Equilibrium will be applied to analyze trusses, frames, machines, cables and hydrostatic forces on dams. Prereq., PHYS 1110. Prereq. or coreq., APPM 2350. Same as GEEN 3851. Restricted to freshmen or sophomore Civil, Environmental, or Architectural Engineering majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to freshmen or sophomore Civil, Environmental, or Architectural Engineering majors only.

CVEN-3111 (3) Analytical Mechanics 2

Studies the motion (kinematics) of particles and rigid bodies, and the forces that cause the motion (kinetics). Newton's laws as well as energy methods are used to study the motion of particles and rigid bodies in two and three dimensions. Prereqs., CVEN 2121 and APPM 2360. Same as MCEN 3043.

CVEN-3161 (3) Mechanics of Materials 1

Addresses concepts of stress and strain; material properties, axial loading, torsion, simple bending, and transverse shear; analysis of stress and strain; and deflections of beams. Includes selected experimental and computational laboratories. Prereq., CVEN 2121. Coreq., APPM 2360. Restricted to Architectural or Civil Engineering majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Architectural or Civil Engineering majors only.

CVEN-4161 (3) Mechanics of Materials 2

Covers advanced topics in the mechanics of solids. Some topics such as asymmetric bending of beams, torsion of non-circular cross-sections etc. are extensions of topics seen in CVEN 3161. Others like buckling and plate bending theory are new. The course presents unifying themes that underlie the study of mechanics. The course includes selected laboratory experiments. Prereq., CVEN 3161.

CVEN-4511 (3) Introduction to Finite Element Analysis

Systematic formulation of finite element approximation and isoparametric interpolation (weighted residual and energy methods, triangular and quadrilateral elements). Includes computation applications to the solution of one- and two-dimensional stress-deformation problems, steady and transient heat conduction, and viscous flow. Prereqs., CVEN 3161, 3525, and Appm 2360. Same as CVEN 5511.

CVEN-5111 (3) Structural Dynamics

Introduces dynamic response of linear elastic single and multiple degree of freedom systems. Includes time and frequency domain analysis. Also analyzes building structures. Prereq., instructor consent.

CVEN-5131 (3) Continuum Mechanics and Elasticity

Provides foundation for advanced study of structural and material behavior and continuum theories in mechanics. Topics include Cartesian tensors, elements of continuum mechanics, constitutive laws for elastic solids, energy principles, methods of potentials,formulations of 2D and 3D elastostatic problems,and general analytical and numerical solutions.

CVEN-5161 (3) Advanced Mechanics of Materials I

Covers 3-D stress and strain, failure theories, torsion of open and noncircular sections, thick-wall pressure vessels, non-symmetric bending, shell in thin-walled sections, stability of frames and beam-column behavior. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CVEN-5511 (3) Introduction to Finite Element Analysis

Prereq., graduate standing. Same as Cven 4511. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CVEN-6161 (3) Advanced Mechanics of Materials 2

Fundamentals of continuum mechanics, finite deformations, Lagrangian finite strains, Cauchy and Piola Kirchoff stress tensors, plasticity and thermo-elasticity, elements of damage mechanics, elements of fracture mechanics, rehological and visoelastic theories, and modern experimental techniques. Recommended prereq., CVEN 5161.

CVEN-6511 (3) Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Porous Media

Explores fundamental principles of thermodynamics, including first and second law of thermodynamics, thermophysical properties, power and refrigeration cycles, gas mixtures and psychrometrics. Prereq., PHYS 1110. coreq., APPM1360.

CVEN-7111 (3) Advanced Structural Dynamics

Includes general vibrations of civil engineering structures and their response to various types of time-dependent loads. Prereq., CVEN 5111.

CVEN-7141 (3) Plates and Shells

Teaches mathematical theories of plate and shell structures and their applications. Involves numerical finite element solutions of plates and shells of various shapes under static and dynamic loadings. Prereq., CVEN 5121 or 7131.

CVEN-7161 (3) Fracture Mechanics

This course has three parts. The first covers fundamentals through rigorous mathematical formulations of linear and nonlinear elastic fracture mechanics. The second focuses on materials: theoretical strength, metals, granular materials, polymers, and steel. The third covers numerical (finite element) methods in fracture mechanics. Heavy emphasis is placed on project and independent work. Prereq., CVEN 5121.

CVEN-7511 (3) Computational Mechanics of Solids and Structures

Looks at finite element methodology for geometric and material nonlinearities. Involves incremental formulations and iterative solution strategies for truly finite increments and quasistatic and dynamic applications to large deformation and inelastic problems. Prereqs., CVEN 5511 or 6525.