
CSCI-3753 (4) Operating Systems

Examines software comprising computing systems as it builds upon hardware to provide a programming environment. Looks at structure and function of editors, compilers/assemblers, linkers, etc. Basic operating systems concepts and systems programming in high-level languages. Prereqs., CSCI 2270 and one of CSCI 2400 or ECEN 2120.

CSCI-4113 (3) Unix System Administration

Introduces UNIX (Linux) system administration and related topics, including trouble-shooting system and network problems, hardware and software configuration and installation, basic scripting, and security aspects of Internet hosts. Students build a Linux server from the ground up, using provided computing resources, and must maintain and secure the server themselves. Prereqs., CSCI 2270 or instructor consent. Recommended prereq., CSCI 3308.

CSCI-4123 (3) Network Laboratory

Develops enterprise level design and configuration skills on local area networking via switching and routing, as well as the provisioning of remote data communications across diverse Wan technologies, using the latest available transport and security services. Prereq., CSCI 4273. Credit not granted for this course and TLEN 5460.

CSCI-4133 (3) Security Laboratory

Allows students to gain practical experience with network security in a simulated network environment. Topics to be covered include system hardening, firewalls, intrusion detection, vulnerability assessment, and investigation. Prereq., CSCI 4273. Credit not granted for this course and TLEN 5540.

CSCI-4143 (2) Principles of Telecommunications Policy

Learn the key issues and principles that guide the decisions of policymakers with respect to the regulatory treatment of voice, video, and data communications. Engage in critical debate, and develop instincts for anticipating the likely regulatory models that may be applied to new technologies. This introductory course covers technical, economic, legal, political, and institutional considerations. Coreq., CSCI 4123 or 4133. Same as TLEN 5210

CSCI-4273 (3) Network Systems

Focuses on design and implementation of network programs and systems, including topics in network protocols, file transfer, client-server computing, remote procedure call, and other contemporary network system design and programming techniques. Prereqs., CSCI 3753 or equivalent, and familiarity with C and Unix. Same as CSCI 5273.

CSCI-4593 (3) Computer Organization

Studies computer design at the gate level. Discusses instruction set architecture design, arithmetic and logic unit design, control logic, memory design and caches, simple pipelining, I/O, and peripheral devices. Briefly covers aspects of modern computer architecture, such as multicore processors and cache coherence for these. Prereq., ECEN 2350, and ECEN 3350 or CSCI 2400. Same as ECEN 4593. Prerequisites: Restricted to Electrical Engineering (EEEN), Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECEN) Computer Science (CSEN), Engineering Physics (EPEN) or Applied Mathematics (APPM) majors only.

CSCI-4753 (3) Computer Performance Modeling

Presents a broad range of system measurement and modeling techniques, emphasizing applications to computer systems. Topics include system measurement, work load characterization, and analysis of data; design of experiments; simulation; and queuing theory and queuing network models. Prereq., CSCI 3753 or equivalent, and second-semester calculus. Recommended prereq., a course in statistics. Same as CSCI 5753 and ECEN 4753/5753.

CSCI-5273 (3) Network Systems

Same as CSCI 4273. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

CSCI-5473 (3) Applied Operating Systems

Examines design and implementation of contemporary operating systems. Significant laboratory component applies practice with OS use, analysis, and internal design. Topics include OS organization and structure, process and thread management, memory management, file management, device management, network and distributed systems, and modern runtime systems. Prereq., two years programming and instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

CSCI-5573 (3) Advanced Operating Systems

Intended to create a foundation for operating systems research or advanced professional practice. Examines the design and implementation of a number of research and commercial operating systems and their components, system organization and structure, threads, communication and synchronization, virtual memory, distribution, file systems, security and authentication, availability, and Internet services. Prereqs., CSCI 3753, 4593, equivalent undergraduate coursework in operating systems and computer architecture, or instructor consent. Same as ECEN 5573. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

CSCI-5593 (3) Advanced Computer Architecture

Provides a broad-scope treatment of important concepts in the design and implementation of high-performance computer systems. Discusses important issues in the pipelining of a machine and the design of cache memory systems. Also studies current and historically important computer architectures. Prereq., CSCI 4593 or instructor consent. Same as ECEN 5593. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

CSCI-5673 (3) Distributed Systems

Examines systems that span multiple autonomous computers. Topics include system structuring techniques, scalability, heterogeneity, fault tolerance, load sharing, distributed file and information systems, naming, directory services, resource discovery, resource and network management, security, privacy, ethics, and social issues. Recommended prereqs., CSCI 5573 or a course in computer networks. Same as ECEN 5673. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

CSCI-5753 (3) Computer Performance Modeling

Same as CSCI 4753. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

CSCI-7123 (3) Topics in Operating Systems

Topics selected by instructor. Possible topics are system design, measurement and evaluation, simulation, mathematical modeling, and parallelism. Prereq., CSCI 5573. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CSCI-7143 (3) Topics in Computer Systems

Topics selected by instructor. Possible topics are online systems, multiprocessing, microprogramming, architecture, data communications, and computing networks. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.