
ASEN-1000 (1) Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Sciences

Introduces aerospace history, curriculum, ethics, and the many areas of emphasis within aerospace engineering. Academic and industry speakers are invited to address various aerospace topics. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 0-26 credits (Freshmen) Aerospace Engineering (ASEN) or Engineering Open Option majors only.

ASEN-1400 (3) Gateway to Space

Introduces the basics of atmosphere and space sciences, space exploration, spacecraft design, rocketry, and orbits. Students design, build, and launch a miniature satellite on a high altitude balloon. Explores the current research in space through lectures from industry. Formerly ASEN 2500. Same as ASTR 2500. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 0-26 credits (Freshmen) Aerospace Engineering (ASEN) majors only.

ASEN-2001 (4) Aerospace 1: Introduction to Statics, Structures, and Materials

Introduces models and analytical/numerical methods for statics and structural analysis. Topics include force/moment equilibrium, truss analysis, beam theory, stress/strain, failure criteria, and structural design. Matlab proficiency required. Prereqs., APPM 1360, GEEN 1300 or CSCI 1300 or ECEN 1030 and PHYS 1110 (min. grade C). Coreq., ASEN 2002, 2012 or APPM 2350. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-2002 (4) Aerospace 2: Introduction to Thermodynamics and Aerodynamics

Introduces the fundamental principals and concepts of thermodynamics and fluid dynamic systems. Emphasizes the synthesis of basic science (physics), mathematics, and experimental methods that form the basis for quantitative and qualitative analyses of general aerospace technology systems. Proficiency in Matlab required. Prereqs., APPM 1360, GEEN 1300, CSCI 1300, or ECEN 1030 and PHYS 1110 (min. grade C). Coreqs., ASEN 2001, 2012 and APPM 2350. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-2003 (5) Aerospace 3: Introduction to Dynamics and Systems

Introduces the principles of particle and planar rigid body dynamics, systems, and controls. Topics include kinematics, kinetics, momentum and energy methods, system modeling, and simple feedback control. Class includes experimental and design laboratory exercises for aerospace applications of dynamic principles. Prereqs., ASEN 2001 and APPM 2350 (min. grade C). Coreq., APPM 2360. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-2004 (5) Aerospace 4: Aerospace Vehicle Design and Performance

Introduction to design and analysis of aircraft and spacecraft. Aircraft topics include cruise performance, wing design, propulsion, stability, control, and structures. Spacecraft topics includerocket staging, orbit selection, launch systems, and spacecraft subsystems. Includes laboratory experiments and team design exercises. Prereqs., ASEN 2001, 2002 and APPM 2350 (min. grade C). Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-2012 (2) Experimental and Computational Methods in Aerospace Engineering Sciences

Introduces statistical, experimental, and computational methods used in aerospace engineering sciences. Usage of MatLab is extensive. Coreq., ASEN 2001 and 2002. Prereq., GEEN 1300 or CSCI 1300 or ECEN 1030. Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-2519 (1-6) Special Topics

Studies specialized aspects of the aerospace engineering sciences or innovative treatment of required subject matter at the lower-division level. Course content is indicated in the online SchedulePlanner. Prereq., varies. Restricted to Engineering students.

ASEN-2849 (1-3) Independent Study

Study of special projects agreed upon by student and instructor. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prereq., instructor consent.

ASEN-3036 (3) Introduction to Human Spaceflight

Introduces students to the challenges of human space flight. Historical and current space programs and spacecraft are discussed with emphasis on those systems specific to sustaining human crews. Other topics include space environment with respect to sustaining human life and health, physiological and psychological concerns in a space habitat, astronaut selection and training, anomalies, mission operations motivation, costs rationale for human space exploration, and future program directions. Not accepted as a technical elective for engineering majors.

ASEN-3046 (3) Introduction to Humans in Aviation

Investigates the history of manned aviation accomplished through a review of the history of flight, the physiological and psychological limitations facing aviators, and investigates the human related causal factors in aviation accidents. The course also looks at the social and economic impacts of aviation in modern society.

ASEN-3111 (4) Aerodynamics

Develops the fundamental concepts of aerodynamics and provides a working knowledge for their application to the design of aircraft and launch vehicles operating at various speeds and altitudes, as well as the atmospheric forces on satellites. Prereqs., APPM 2350, ASEN 2002 and 2004 (min. grade C). Restricted to ASEN majors. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-3112 (4) Structures

Teaches Mechanics of Materials methods of stress and deformation analysis applicable to the design and verification of aircraft and space structures. It offers an introduction to matrix and finite element methods for truss structures, and to mechanical vibrations. Prereq., ASEN 2001, 2003, 2004, and APPM 2360 (min. grade C). Restricted to ASEN majors. Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-3113 (4) Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Focuses on the applications of the first and second laws of thermodynamics to control volumes and teaches the fundamental concepts of different modes of energy and heat transfer. Learn to use these concepts in gas dynamics, high-speed vehicle spacecraft design, environmental systems, and energy analysis. Prereqs., APPM 2350 and ASEN 2002 (min grade C). Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-3116 (3) Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

Addresses human responses to environment and physical stimuli. Makes use of engineering and physical principles in the study of human dynamics, arriving at reasonable solutions to 15 major areas of biomedical consent. Prereq., instructor consent.

ASEN-3128 (4) Aircraft Dynamics

Develops the fundamental concepts of aircraft dynamics. Covers flight mechanics, performance, dynamics and control of aircraft, and how they impact aircraft design. Prereqs., ASEN 2002, 2003, 2004, and APPM 2360 (min. grade C). Restricted to ASEN majors. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-3200 (4) Orbital Mechanics/Attitude Dynamics and Control

Presents the fundamentals of orbital mechanics, 3D rigid body dynamics, and satellite attitude dynamics and controls. Prereqs., ASEN 2003, 2004, and APPM 2360 (min. grade C). Restricted to ASEN majors. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-3300 (4) Aerospace Electronics and Communications

Provides the fundamentals of electronics and communications widely used in aerospace engineering. Includes analog instrumentation electronics, data acquisition, digital electronics, and radio communication. Prereqs., ASEN 2003, PHYS 1120, and APPM 2360 (min grade C). Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-3519 (1-4) Special Topics

Studies specialized aspects of the aerospace engineering sciences or innovative treatment of required subject matter at the upper-division level. Course content is indicated in the online SchedulePlanner. Prereq., varies. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

ASEN-3930 (6) Aerospace Engineering Cooperative Education

Students will participate in a previously arranged, department-sponsored cooperative education program with a government agency or industry. Recommended prereq., GPA above 3.0. Restricted to juniors/seniors majors.

ASEN-4010 (3) Introduction to Space Dynamics

Includes central force fields, satellite orbits, rocket dynamics, orbital transfer, interplanetary mission analysis, and perturbation due to atmospheric drag and Earth oblateness. Prereq., ASEN 3200 or equivalent, or instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of ASEN 3200. Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.

ASEN-4012 (3) Aerospace Materials

Studies aerospace grade aluminum, magnesium, nickel, and titanium alloys. Covers heat treatment, defect structures, failure mechanisms, corrosion and its prevention, the effect of space radiation on materials, and high and low temperature effects. Introduces composite materials with a lab design and experiment. Emphasizes the selection of materials in design with procedures for choosing materials rationally. Case studies include aerogels, carbides, composites, powder metallurgy, nanomaterials, and advanced materials manufacturing technologies. Prereq., ASEN 2001 or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of ASEN 2001.

ASEN-4013 (3) Foundations of Propulsion

Describes aerothermodynamics and design of both rocket and air-breathing engines. Includes ramjets, turbojets, turbofans, and turboprop engines, as well as liquid, solid, and hybrid rockets. Prereqs., ASEN 3113 and APPM 2360 (min. grade C). Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

ASEN-4018 (4) Senior Projects 1: Design Synthesis

Focuses on the synthesis of technical knowledge, project management, design process, leadership, and communications within a team environment. Students progress through the design process beginning with requirements development, then preliminary design and culminating with critical design. Prereqs., ASEN 3111, 3112, 3113, 3128, 3200 and 3300 (min. grade C). Offered fall only. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of ASEN, 3111, 3112, 3113, 3128, 3200, and 3300 (Minimum Grade C). Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) Aerospace Engineering (ASEN) majors only.

ASEN-4028 (4) Senior Projects 2: Design Practicum

Focuses on the fabrication, integration, verification and validation of designs produced in ASEN 4018. Students work within the same teams from ASEN 4018. Prereq., ASEN 4018 (min. grade C) and instructor consent required. Restricted to ASEN majors. Offered spring only. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of ASEN 4018. Restricted to Aerospace Engineering majors only.
